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Flink CDC 中有大哥能帮我看看这个错吗?加了 ORACLE CDC 的包 就报错了

Flink CDC 中有大哥能帮我看看这个错吗?加了 ORACLE CDC 的包 就报错了image.png chatgpt 的回答没啥用,我试了

真的很搞笑 2023-05-01 15:17:01 129 0
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  • The error message indicates that the method setXIncludeAware is not supported by the JAXP implementation being used. This method is used to enable XInclude processing in XML documents.

    There are a few possible solutions to this issue:

    1. Upgrade your JAXP implementation to a version that supports the setXIncludeAware method. Check the documentation of your JAXP implementation for details on which version supports this method.

    2. Use a different JAXP implementation that supports the setXIncludeAware method. There are several JAXP implementations available, such as Apache Xerces and Oracle XML Parser.

    3. Disable XInclude processing in your XML document. If XInclude processing is not required, you can remove any XInclude elements from your XML document or disable XInclude processing altogether.

    4. Modify your code to use a different approach to XInclude processing that does not rely on the setXIncludeAware method. For example, you can use a third-party library like VTD-XML or implement your own XInclude processing logic using DOM or SAX APIs.,此回答整理自钉群“Flink CDC 社区”

    2023-05-01 17:30:39
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