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slots are requested, but the maximum?

slots are requested, but the maximum?

滴滴滴~ 2023-03-29 14:52:32 169 0
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  • The error message "slots are requested, but the maximum" indicates that you are trying to create a new replica for a MySQL database, but the maximum number of replica slots has already been reached.

    Each MySQL instance has a limited number of replica slots available, which are used to track the changes made to the primary database and replicate them to the replica databases. The maximum number of replica slots is determined by the max_connections and max_connect_errors settings in the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf).

    To resolve this error, you can either:

    • Increase the max_connections and max_connect_errors settings in the MySQL configuration file. This will increase the number of replica slots available.
    • Remove unused replica slots. You can use the SHOW SLAVE HOSTS command to view the existing replica slots and identify any that are not being used.
    • Use a different MySQL replication method. There are other MySQL replication methods available, such as group replication and MySQL Fabric, which do not require replica slots.


    To increase the max_connections and max_connect_errors settings, edit the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) and add or modify the following lines:


    Then restart the MySQL service for the changes to take effect.

    Once you have increased the number of replica slots available, you should be able to create a new replica without encountering the "slots are requested, but the maximum" error.

    2024-02-28 17:00:36
    赞同 展开评论 打赏
  • "实时同步启动时有如下提示:image.png 离线同步日志有如下error message提示:image.png

    解释: 对于离线同步数据集成任务来说,一个并发数会占用2个槽位,即以4c8g的资源组(含有16个槽位slot)为例,其能支持一个8并发的离线同步任务运行或者2个4并发的离线同步任务同时运行。当您的离线同步任务配置的并发数超过资源组所能支持的并发数上限且没有开启分布式方式运行时,出现图2中的报错,需要您降低并发数或者开启分布式模式运行(分布式模式仅对资源组下有多台服务器的资源组有效) 对于实时同步任务来说,实时同步任务是运行在资源组下的某一台服务器上的,要求服务器的规格要足够大可以支持实时同步任务所需要的槽位数。例如图1中的实时同步任务需要30个槽位而4c8g的资源组-服务器只有16个槽位,所以不能满足该实时同步任务的运行需求。请对资源组进行升配或者更换其他大规格资源组。 此答案整理自钉群“DataWorks交流群(答疑@机器人)”"

    2023-03-29 21:15:15
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  • 随心分享,欢迎友善交流讨论:)


    2023-03-29 14:57:57
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