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Linux基本命令中 history命令如何清除整个命令历史中的重复条目?


Linux基本命令中 history命令如何清除整个命令历史中的重复条目?

去校区学技术 2022-04-02 14:25:28 766 分享 版权
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    要清除整个命令历史中的重复条目,可以将 HISTCONTROL 设置成 erasedups:

    # export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
    # pwd
    # service httpd stop
    # history | tail -3
    38 pwd
    39 service httpd stop
    40 history | tail -3
    # ls -ltr
    # service httpd stop
    # history | tail -6
    35 export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
    36 pwd
    37 history | tail -3
    38 ls -ltr
    39 service httpd stop
    [Note that the previous service httpd stop after pwd got erased]
    40 history | tail -6
    2022-04-02 14:58:08
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