flink web UI无认证登陆问题是怎样解决的呢?
官网上写的是:Simple mutual authentication may be enabled by configuration if authentication of connections to the REST endpoint is required, but we recommend to deploy a “side car proxy”: Bind the REST endpoint to the loopback interface (or the pod-local interface in Kubernetes) and start a REST proxy that authenticates and forwards the requests to Flink. Examples for proxies that Flink users have deployed are Envoy Proxy or NGINX with MOD_AUTH.*来自志愿者整理的flink邮件归档
可以配置开启SSL认证的,只不过开启之后登陆会很复杂,所以为了方便登陆,推荐用nginx做一层代理,这样可以将认证方式替换为http basic authentication等。然后nginx和flink之间仍然采用SSL双向认证即可。