<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names����xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- The time zone picker screen has two levels. The first level allows the user to choose a region. -->
<string-array name="timezone_filters">
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from the Americas. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Europe. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Africa. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Asia. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Australia. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from Pacific. -->
<!-- The next level of the time zoner picker should show time zones from ALL regions. -->
NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("string-array");
NodeList itemList = nodeList.item(0).getChildNodes();
int itemSize = itemList.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < itemSize ; i++)
Node item = itemList.item(i);
System.out.println("item value = " + item.getTextContent());
getChildNodes()不知道可不可以加个参数来指定item。 我解析xml一般用jsoup,这个比dom4j好用多了。######恩。是要通过参数来指定item的。直接用Node好像不行。 我这里直接吧Node强制转化为Element了。这样就可以了。 Jsoup是个好东西。只是我还要写入到xml里面。 感谢回答!!######真正的原因是这里:normalize(); 在document.parse()之后,调用document.normalize()就可以除掉空格换行符了