在 Node 中使用 PhoneGap Build API 包? 400 报错
昨天我在Node中使用了PhoneGap Build API包。我将它上传到了: https://github.com/germallon/phonegapbuildapi,我认为这是一个很有趣的试验。 Build API是真的简单,所以我认为我的代码也将是非常简单的。
function getConfig(path) { return { auth: username + ":" + password, host:"build.phonegap.com", port:"443", path:"/api/v1/"+path } }
//I handle doing the config get, http, string contact, etc function doCall(path, success, fail) { var options = getConfig(path); var req = http.get(options, function(res) { var resultString = ""; res.on("data", function(c) { resultString+=c; });
res.on("end",function() {
var result = JSON.parse(resultString);
}).on("error", function(e) {
if(fail) fail(e);
exports.getAllApps = function(success,fail) { doCall("apps", function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res.apps); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); });
pgbuild = require("./pgbuild");
pgbuild.setUsername("ray@camdenfamily.com"); pgbuild.setPassword("isitmillertimeyet?");
//Test getting all the apps pgbuild.getAllApps(function(apps) { console.log("I got lots of apps! How many? "+apps.length); //console.dir(apps); }, function(e) { console.log("Oh snap, an error"); console.dir(e); });
pgbuild.createApp({ title:"New App for Testing", create_method:"file", file:"./forupload/index.html" }, function(res) { console.log("Ok in making an app"); console.dir(res); }, function(e) { console.log("I got an error: "); console.dir(e); } );
var http = require("https"); var fs = require("fs"); var path = require("path"); var username = ""; var password = ""; exports.setUsername = function(u) { username = u; } exports.setPassword = function(p) { password = p; } exports.createApp = function(options, success, fail) { var httpOptions = getConfig("apps"); httpOptions.method = "POST"; //Detect if options.create_method is file, and if so, suck in the bits //Fails if no .file //Also note it doesn't support .zip yet. if(options.create_method === "file") { if(!options.file) throw new Error("Must supply file value."); console.log("Need to read in a file:"+options.file); //Shell out for file uploads PreparePost(httpOptions,JSON.stringify(options), options.file, success); } else { //TODO } } exports.getAllApps = function(success,fail) { doCall("apps", function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res.apps); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } exports.getApp = function(id, success, fail) { doCall("apps/"+id, function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } exports.getAppIcon = function(id, success, fail) { doCall("apps/"+id +"/icon", function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res.location); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } //todo: Possibly validate platform? Should be: android,blackberry,ios,symbian,webos,winphone exports.getAppDownload = function(id, platform, success, fail) { doCall("apps/"+id +"/"+platform, function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res.location); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } exports.getKeys = function() { var platform = ""; if(arguments.length == 1) { success = arguments[0]; } else if(arguments.length === 2) { success = arguments[0]; fail = arguments[1]; } else if(arguments.length == 3) { platform = arguments[0]; success = arguments[1]; fail = arguments[2]; } var path = "keys"; if(platform != "") path+="/"+platform; doCall(path, function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res.keys); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } exports.getKey = function(platform, id, success, fail) { doCall("keys/"+platform +"/"+id, function(res) { if(res.error && res.error.length && fail) fail(res.error); else success(res); },function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } function getConfig(path) { return { auth: username + ":" + password, host:"build.phonegap.com", port:"443", path:"/api/v1/"+path } } //I handle doing the config get, http, string contact, etc function doCall(path, success, fail) { var options = getConfig(path); var req = http.get(options, function(res) { var resultString = ""; res.on("data", function(c) { resultString+=c; }); res.on("end",function() { var result = JSON.parse(resultString); success(result); }); }).on("error", function(e) { if(fail) fail(e); }); } //CREDIT: http://onteria.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/multipartform-data-uploads-using-node-js-and-http-request/ //Note that I modified his code quite a bit //For file uploads function EncodeFieldPart(boundary,name,value) { var return_part = "--" + boundary + "\r\n"; return_part += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"\r\n\r\n"; return_part += value + "\r\n"; return return_part; } function EncodeFilePart(boundary,type,name,filename) { var return_part = "--" + boundary + "\r\n"; return_part += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"; filename=\"" + filename + "\"\r\n"; return_part += "Content-Type: " + type + "\r\n\r\n"; return return_part; } //I expect the config options, the JSON data string, and file path function PreparePost(httpOptions,data,file,success) { var boundary = Math.random(); var post_data = []; post_data.push(new Buffer(EncodeFieldPart(boundary, 'data', data), 'ascii')); post_data.push(new Buffer(EncodeFilePart(boundary, 'text/plain', 'file', path.basename(file)), 'ascii')); var contents = fs.readFileSync(file, "ascii"); post_data.push(new Buffer(contents, "utf8")); post_data.push(new Buffer("\r\n--" + boundary + "--"), 'ascii'); MakePost(httpOptions,post_data, boundary,success); } function MakePost(httpOptions,post_data, boundary,success) { var length = 0; for(var i = 0; i < post_data.length; i++) { length += post_data[i].length; } httpOptions.headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary, 'Content-Length' : length }; var post_request = http.request(httpOptions, function(response){ response.setEncoding('utf8'); var res=""; response.on('data', function(chunk){ res+=chunk; }); response.on('end',function() { success(JSON.parse(res)); }); }); for (var i = 0; i < post_data.length; i++) { post_request.write(post_data[i]); } post_request.end(); }
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