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保持可爱mmm 2020-03-26 21:50:25 1778 分享 版权
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  • 400 InvalidReceiverName.Malformed The specified receiver name is wrongly formed. 收件人格式不正确,必须有@符号,域名组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点,账号组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点 400 InvalidTemplateName.Malformed The specified template name is wrongly formed. 模板名格式不正确,模板名不能大于30个字符 404 InvalidMailAddress.NotFound The specified mailAddress does not exist. 不存在,请检查批定的发信地址。 404 InvalidTemplate.NotFound The specified template does not exist. 指定的模板不存在。 404 InvalidReceiver.NotFound The specified receiver does not exist. 收件人不存在,请检查收件人是否存在 400 InvalidToAddress The specified toAddress is wrongly formed. 收件人格式不正确,必须有@符号,域名组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点,账号组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点 400 InvalidToAddress.Spam Sendmail rejected by invalid address. 无效地址,请检查地址有效性 400 InvalidBody The specified textBody or htmlBody is wrongly formed. textBody或textBody格式错误,请重新填写内容。 400 InvalidSendMail.Spam Sendmail rejected by spam filter. 发信被拒绝,请检查用户状态,是否是频率超限,额度等问题 400 InvalidMailAddressSendType.Malformed The specified mailAddress sendType is wrongly formed. 发送类型不正确,请去控制台检查类型,设置相应的值 400 InvalidMailAddressStatus.Malformed The specified mailAddress status is wrongly formed. 发信地址状态不对,请检查是否可用,是否是被冻结状态 400 InvalidMailAddressDomain.Malformed The specified mailAddress domain does not exist. 域名格式不正确,请使用数字,字母,下划线,减号和点 400 InvalidSubject.Malformed The specified subject is wrongly formed. 主题错误,主题不能超过100个字符 400 InvalidFromAlias.Malformed The specified fromAlias is wrongly formed. 发信人别名格式错误,长度不超过15个符。 400 InvalidReplyAddressAlias.Malformed The specified replyAddressAlias is wrongly formed. 回信地址别名格式不正确,长度不超过15个符 400 InvalidReplyAddress.Malformed The specified replyAddress is wrongly formed. 回信地址格式不正确,必须有@符号,域名组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点,账号组成为数字,字母,下划线,减号和点

    2020-03-26 21:51:20
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