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我正在编写一个程序,以接收包含三个不同字符的50 x 50块的文本文件的输入:#,*和/,并根据每个符号为输出PNG文件的每个像素着色,以便有一个与每个字符相关的颜色。




import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter; 

public class Lab_Week8_ImgFrmTxtFINAL {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception  {  

    int image_width = 50;
    int image_height = 50;
    String output_file_path = ("image.png");
    String input_file_path = "superimage.txt";
    int r = 0;
    int g = 0;
    int b = 0;
    int a = 255;
    Scanner reader = new Scanner (new FileInputStream(input_file_path));
    int i = 0;
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0; 

    if(image_width <= 0 || image_height <= 0) {
        System.err.println("Width and Height have to be strictly positive!");

    if(x < 0 || y < 0) {
        System.err.println("Coordinates (x, y) cannot be negative numbers!");

    if(r < 0 || r > 255 || g < 0 || g > 255 || b < 0 || b > 255) {
        System.err.println("Colour values (r, g, b) have to be between 0 and 255!");

    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage (image_width, image_height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);

    while (reader.hasNextLine()){
        char c = reader.next().charAt(i);
        for (i = 0; i < image_width * image_height; i++)

        int p = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

        for (x = 0; x < image_width; x++)
            for (y = 0; y < image_height; y++){

                if (c == ('#'))
                {p = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                image.setRGB(x, y, p);

                else if (c == ('/'))
                {p = (a << 0) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
                    image.setRGB(x , y , p);

                else if (c == ('*'))
                {p = (a << 8) | (r << 16) | (g << 24) | b;
                    image.setRGB(x , y , p);
        x += 1;
    y += 1;
    x = 0;

    File f = new File (output_file_path);
    ImageIO.write(image, "png", f);


垚tutu 2019-12-19 17:00:46 951 分享 版权
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  • #include


    while (reader.hasNextLine()) 与

    while (i < image_width * image_height && reader.hasNextLine()) 您的代码的问题在于,当时i = image_width * image_height,for循环停止,但while循环仍继续并尝试执行char c = reader.next().charAt(i);cause String index is out of range: 2500。


    while (reader.hasNextLine()) {          
        for (i = 0; i < image_width * image_height ; i++) {             
            int p = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
            for (x = 0; x < image_width && reader.hasNext(); x++) {
                char c = reader.next().charAt(i);
    2019-12-19 17:01:04
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