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MySQLa, Version: 5.5.40 (MySQL Community Server (GPL)). started with:
TCP Port: 6306, Named Pipe: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time                 Id Command    Argument
# Time: 151105 15:14:35
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.312602  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 185087
use ultrax;
SET timestamp=1446707675;
SELECT count(*) FROM pre_forum_thread where authorid='3' and displayorder!=-2 and displayorder!=-1;
# Time: 151105 15:14:37
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.750111  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446707677;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 15:14:40
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.687609  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446707680;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.296976  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446707680;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 15:14:41
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.890738  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446707681;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 15:14:42
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 6.609502  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446707682;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:03:29
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 55.031954  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 10  Rows_examined: 743696
SET timestamp=1446710609;
select a.tid,a.subject,a.dateline,a.views,a.replies,a.author,a.authorid,b.message from pre_forum_thread a join pre_forum_post b on a.tid=b.tid where a.attachment!=0 and a.displayorder>=0 and b.first=1 order by tid desc limit 0,10;
# Time: 151105 16:04:18
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 46.578721  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 10  Rows_examined: 743698
SET timestamp=1446710658;
select a.tid,a.subject,a.dateline,a.views,a.replies,a.author,a.authorid,b.message from pre_forum_thread a join pre_forum_post b on a.tid=b.tid where a.attachment!=0 and a.displayorder>=0 and b.first=1 order by tid desc limit 0,10;
# Time: 151105 16:04:30
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 6.765712  Lock_time: 1.531270 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446710670;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:04:46
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 7.078215  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446710686;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:13:25
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.718823  Lock_time: 0.406255 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446711205;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:13:52
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 6.546959  Lock_time: 1.296892 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446711232;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:13:53
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 6.609459  Lock_time: 0.625008 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446711233;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;
# Time: 151105 16:14:30
# User@Host: root[root] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5.687573  Lock_time: 0.656259 Rows_sent: 12  Rows_examined: 185111
SET timestamp=1446711270;
SELECT a.tid,a.subject,a.fid,b.name FROM pre_forum_thread a inner join pre_forum_forum b on a.fid=b.fid where a.authorid=3  and a.displayorder!=-2 and a.displayorder!=-1 order by a.dateline DESC LIMIT 0,12;



kanghuaiqia 2015-11-05 16:44:03 9056 分享 版权
4 条回答
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  • 论坛总版主
    回 9楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子
    2015-11-06 14:51:16
    赞同 展开评论
  • 解决方案工程师,负责为企业规划上云迁移方案和云上架构设计,在网站建设开发和云计算领域有多年经验,专注于Linux平台的系统维护以及应用部署。致力于以场景化的方式让云计算,用更加通俗易懂的方式让更多人体验云计算,让云端的计算更质朴的落地。
    回 5楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子

    my.cnf 怎么写的


    回 7楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子
    ecs 配置呢?


    回 9楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子
    InnoDB 都关闭了,内存也那么大,还搞满。。

    2015-11-05 20:22:36
    赞同 展开评论
  • Remysqld有时候占用CPU搞,请高手指导











    Re:回 9楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子
    引用第10楼ivmmff于2015-11-06 13:40发表的 回 9楼(kanghuaiqia) 的帖子 :
    InnoDB 都关闭了,内存也那么大,还搞满。。

    我觉得程序的问题,有语句错误,导致重复查询或者写入数据库 [url=http://bbs.aliyun.com/job.php?action=topost&tid=262286&pid=724821][/url]


    # Query_time: 55.031954  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 10  Rows_examined: 743696 SET timestamp=1446710609; select a.tid,a.subject,a.dateline,a.views,a.replies,a.author,a.authorid,b.message from pre_forum_thread a join pre_forum_post b on a.tid=b.tid where a.attachment!=0 and a.displayorder>=0 and b.first=1 order by tid desc limit 0,10; # Time: 151105 16:04:18 # User@Host: root[root] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 46.578721  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 10  Rows_examined: 743698 SET timestamp=1446710658; select a.tid,a.subject,a.dateline,a.views,a.replies,a.author,a.authorid,b.message from pre_forum_thread a join pre_forum_post b on a.tid=b.tid where a.attachment!=0 and a.displayorder>=0 and b.first=1 order by tid desc limit 0,10;

    2015-11-05 19:00:13
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  • PHP程序员,业余无线电爱好者,呼号:BH9BHT,自由职业!
    2015-11-05 18:59:04
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