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我通过kubeadm在1.9下安装了kubernete,并在使用时将其升级到1.10.0 kubeadm upgrade。我对1.10.x感到非常满意,并且不想处理升级到任何新版本的潜在问题。



$ kubeadm upgrade plan v1.10.11
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks.
[upgrade] Making sure the cluster is healthy:
[upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:
[upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[upgrade/config] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -oyaml'
[upgrade/plan] computing upgrade possibilities
[upgrade] Fetching available versions to upgrade to
[upgrade/versions] Cluster version: v1.10.0
[upgrade/versions] kubeadm version: v1.10.11
[upgrade/versions] Latest stable version: v1.13.1
[upgrade/versions] Latest version in the v1.1 series: v1.1.8
[upgrade/versions] WARNING: No recommended etcd for requested kubernetes version (v1.13.1)

Components that must be upgraded manually after you have upgraded the control plane with 'kubeadm upgrade apply':
Kubelet 5 x v1.10.0 v1.13.1

                      2 x v1.10.3   v1.13.1
                      1 x v1.10.5   v1.13.1
                      2 x v1.9.6    v1.13.1

Upgrade to the latest stable version:

API Server v1.10.0 v1.13.1
Controller Manager v1.10.0 v1.13.1
Scheduler v1.10.0 v1.13.1
Kube Proxy v1.10.0 v1.13.1
Kube DNS 1.14.8 1.14.8
Etcd 3.1.12 N/A

You can now apply the upgrade by executing the following command:

kubeadm upgrade apply v1.13.1

Note: Before you can perform this upgrade, you have to update kubeadm to v1.13.1.



k8s小能手 2018-12-14 17:15:53 2651 分享 版权
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    export VERSION="1.10.11"
    export ARCH=amd64
    wget https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.10.11/bin/linux/amd64/kubeadm > /usr/bin/kubeadm

    chmod a+rx /usr/bin/kubeadm

    [root@ centos]# kubeadm upgrade plan
    [preflight] Running pre-flight checks.
    [upgrade] Making sure the cluster is healthy:
    [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:
    [upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...
    [upgrade/config] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -oyaml'
    [upgrade/plan] computing upgrade possibilities
    [upgrade] Fetching available versions to upgrade to
    [upgrade/versions] Cluster version: v1.10.11
    [upgrade/versions] kubeadm version: v1.10.11
    [upgrade/versions] Latest stable version: v1.13.1
    [upgrade/versions] Latest version in the v1.1 series: v1.1.8
    [upgrade/versions] WARNING: No recommended etcd for requested kubernetes version (v1.13.1)

    Components that must be upgraded manually after you have upgraded the control plane with 'kubeadm upgrade apply':
    Kubelet 1 x v1.10.0 v1.13.1

    Upgrade to the latest stable version:

    API Server v1.10.11 v1.13.1
    Controller Manager v1.10.11 v1.13.1
    Scheduler v1.10.11 v1.13.1
    Kube Proxy v1.10.11 v1.13.1
    Kube DNS 1.14.8 1.14.8
    Etcd 3.1.12 N/A

    You can now apply the upgrade by executing the following command:

    kubeadm upgrade apply v1.13.1

    Note: Before you can perform this upgrade, you have to update kubeadm to v1.13.1.

    kubeadm upgrade apply 1.10.11

    [preflight] Running pre-flight checks.
    [upgrade] Making sure the cluster is healthy:
    [upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:
    [upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...
    [upgrade/config] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -oyaml'
    [upgrade/version] You have chosen to change the cluster version to "v1.10.11"
    [upgrade/versions] Cluster version: v1.10.11
    [upgrade/versions] kubeadm version: v1.10.11

    [bootstraptoken] Configured RBAC rules to allow the csrapprover controller automatically approve CSRs from a Node Bootstrap Token
    [bootstraptoken] Configured RBAC rules to allow certificate rotation for all node client certificates in the cluster
    [addons] Applied essential addon: kube-dns
    [addons] Applied essential addon: kube-proxy

    [upgrade/successful] SUCCESS! Your cluster was upgraded to "v1.10.11". Enjoy!

    2019-07-17 23:21:25
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