去中心化自治组织DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization),DAO智能合约质押分红开发是基于区块链核心理念(由达成同一个共识的群体自发产生的共创、共建、共治、共享的协同行为)衍生出来的一种组织形态。
DAO是英文Decentralized Autonomous Organization的缩写,中文译字“岛”,是基于区块链核心思想理念(由达成同一个共识的群体自发产生的共创、共建、共治、共享的协同行为)衍生出来的一种组织形态。是区块链解决了人与人之间的信任问题之后的附属产物。
Dao is an evolutionary version of the organizational form of the company and a revolutionary evolution in the history of human collaboration. Its essence is a form of blockchain technology application. Dao is an organizational form that encodes the management and operation rules of the organization in the form of smart contracts on the blockchain, so that it can operate autonomously without centralized control or third-party intervention. Dao is expected to become a new effective organization to deal with uncertain, diverse and complex environments.
Dao has the characteristics of full openness, autonomous interaction, decentralized control, complexity and diversity, and emergence. Different from the traditional organizational phenomenon, Dao is not limited by the space of the real physical world. Its evolution process is driven by events or goals, which are rapidly formed, disseminated and highly interactive, and automatically disbanded with the disappearance of goals.
1、分布式与去中心化(distributed and decentralized)
2、自主性与自动化(autonomous and automated)
在一个理想状态的DAO中,管理是代码化、程序化且自动化的。“代码即法律”(code is law),组织不再是金字塔式而是分布式,权力不再是中心化而是去中心化,管理不再是科层制而是社区自治,组织运行不再需要公司而是由高度自治的社区所替代。此外,由于DAO运行在由利益相关者共同确定的运行标准和协作模式下,组织内部的共识和信任更易达成,可以最大限度地降低组织的信任成本、沟通成本和交易成本。
3、组织化与有序性(organized and ordered)
4、智能化与通证化(intelligence and tokenization)
The bottom layer of Dao encapsulates all the infrastructure supporting Dao and its derivative applications - internet basic protocol, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of things, etc. as the technical support, and takes digitalization, intelligence, collaborative governance on and off the chain as the governance means, which changes the traditional bureaucratic system and artificial management mode, and realizes the intelligent management of the organization. As an important incentive means in the process of Dao governance, token digitalizes and certifies all elements of the organization (such as people, organizations, knowledge, events, products, etc.), so as to fully integrate monetary capital, human capital and other element capital, better stimulate the efficiency of the organization and realize value circulation.