bash shell提供了一些不同的方法从用户处获得数据,包括命令行参数(添加在命令后的数据)、命令行选项(可修改命令行为的单个字母)以及直接从键盘读取输入的能力。
向shell脚本传递数据的最基本方法是使用命令行参数,命令行参数允许你在运行脚本时向命令行添加数据。例如 ./addem 10 30。
bash shell会将一些称为位置参数的特殊变量分配给输入到命令行中的所有参数,这也包括脚本的名称。位置参数变量是标准的数字:$0是程序名,$1是第一个参数,$2是第二个参数,以此类推,$9是第九个参数。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash var=1 for (( n = 1; n <= $1; n++ )) do var=$[ $var * n ] done echo "The var of $1 is $var" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar1.sh 5 # 注意命令行中的参数5 The var of 5 is 120
#!/bin/bash res=$[ $1 * $2 ] echo "The first parameter is $1" echo "The second parameter is $2" echo "The final result is $res" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar2.sh 3 5 # 输入更多命令行参数时,参数之间用空格进行分割! The first parameter is 3 The second parameter is 5 The final result is 15
#!/bin/bash echo "Hello $1, glad to meet you." # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar3.sh Curry Hello Curry, glad to meet you.
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar3.sh 'James Harden' Hello James Harden, glad to meet you.
#!/bin/bash res=$[ ${10} * ${11} ] echo "The tenth parameter is ${10}" echo "The eleventh parameter is ${11}" echo "The final result is $res" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar4.sh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 The tenth parameter is 10 The eleventh parameter is 11 The final result is 110
#!/bin/bash echo "The zero parameter is set to: $0" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ bash bar5.sh # 注意此处运行脚本的格式!!! The zero parameter is set to: bar5.sh
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar5.sh The zero parameter is set to: ./bar5.sh
[njust@njust tutorials]$ bash /home/njust/tutorials/bar5.sh The zero parameter is set to: /home/njust/tutorials/bar5.sh
#!/bin/bash name=$(basename $0) echo echo "The script name is:$name" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar6.sh The script name is:bar6.sh # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ bash bar6.sh The script name is:bar6.sh
#!/bin/bash name=$(basename $0) if [ $name = "addem" ] then res=$[ $1 + $2 ] elif [ $name = "multem" ] then res=$[ $1 * $2 ] fi echo "The calculated value is:$res" # 通过复制文件创建addem [njust@njust tutorials]$ cp bar7.sh addem [njust@njust tutorials]$ chmod u+x bar7.sh # 通过软链接创建multem [njust@njust tutorials]$ ln -s bar7.sh multem # 查看创建的文件 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ls -l *em -rwxrw-r--. 1 njust njust 180 4月 2 21:01 addem lrwxrwxrwx. 1 njust njust 7 4月 2 21:02 multem -> bar7.sh # 最终结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./addem 2 8 The calculated value is:10 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./multem 2 8 The calculated value is:16
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./addem 4 ./addem:行7: 4 + : 语法错误: 期待操作数 (错误符号是 "+ ") The calculated value is:
#!/bin/bash if [ -n "$1" ] # -n测试来检查命令行参数$1中是否有数据 then echo "Hello $1,glad to meet you." else echo "Sorry,you did not identify yourself." fi # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar8.sh Curry Hello Curry,glad to meet you. [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar8.sh Sorry,you did not identify yourself.
在bash shell中有些特殊变量,它们会记录命令行参数。具体如下介绍:
5.1 参数统计
在脚本中使用命令行参数之前应该检查一下命令行参数,可以统计一下命令行中输入了多少个参数,无需测试每个参数。bash shell提供了特殊变量$#,它含有脚本运行时携带的命令行参数的个数,可以在脚本中任何地方使用这个特殊变量,与普通变量一样。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash echo "There were $# parameters supplied." # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar9.sh There were 0 parameters supplied. [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar9.sh 1 2 3 There were 3 parameters supplied.
#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ] # -ne测试命令行参数数量,如果参数数量不对,就会显示一条错误消息告知脚本的正确用法。 then echo "Usage: bar10.sh a b" else res=$[ $1 + $2 ] echo "result is $res" fi # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar10.sh Usage: bar10.sh a b [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar10.sh 2 Usage: bar10.sh a b [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar10.sh 2 3 result is 5
#!/bin/bash params=$# echo "The last parameter is $params." echo "The last parameter is ${!#}" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar11.sh 12 3 42 The last parameter is 3. The last parameter is 42 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar11.sh The last parameter is 0. The last parameter is ./bar11.sh
5.2 获取所有的数据
[njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar12.sh 1 3 4 5 2 Using the $* method: 1 3 4 5 2 Using the $@ method: 1 3 4 5 2
#!/bin/bash count=1 for param in "$*" do echo "\$* parameter #$count = $param" count=$[ $count + 1 ] done echo echo cnt=1 for param in "$@" do echo "\$@ parameter #$cnt = $param" cnt=$[ $cnt + 1 ] done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar13.sh Curry Harden Durant James $* parameter #1 = Curry Harden Durant James $@ parameter #1 = Curry $@ parameter #2 = Harden $@ parameter #3 = Durant $@ parameter #4 = James
#!/bin/bash count=1 while [ -n "$1" ] do echo "Parameter #$count = $1" count=$[ $count + 1 ] shift done # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar14.sh Curry Harder Durant James Parameter #1 = Curry Parameter #2 = Harder Parameter #3 = Durant Parameter #4 = James也可以一次性移动多个位置,只需要给shift命令提供一个参数,指明要移动的位置数就行。如下例所示:
#!/bin/bash echo "The original parameters: $*" shift 2 echo "Here's the new first parameter: $1" # 结果 [njust@njust tutorials]$ ./bar15.sh 3 4 253 5 38 The original parameters: 3 4 253 5 38 Here's the new first parameter: 253