Maratona de Programação da SBC – ACM ICPC – 2012
Problem L
Fernando won a compass for his birthday, and now his favorite hobby is drawing stars: first, he
marks N points on a circumference, dividing it into N equal arcs; then, he connects each point to the
kth next point, until returning to the first point.
Depending on the value of k, Fernando may or may not reach all points marked on the circumference;
when that happens, the star is called complete. For example, when N = 8, the possible stars are shown
in the figure below. Stars (a) and (c) are complete, while stars (b) and (d) are not.
Depending on the value of N, it may be possible to draw many different stars; Fernando asked you
to write a program that, given N, determines the number of complete stars he can draw.
The input contains several test cases. Each test case contains a single line, containing a single
integer N, indicating the number of arcs in which the circumference was divided.
For each test case, your program must print a single line containing a single integer, indicating the
number of complete stars that can be drawn.
3 ≤ N < 231
Sample input Sample output
3 1
4 1
5 2
18 3
36 6
360 48
2147483647 1073741823
题意:给一个圆,用N个点将圆平均分成N个部分,以某点为起点,连结接下去的第k个点,直到回到原点,求能画出多少个complete stars ,complete stars:通过上述方法,最终每个点都连接到的图,称为complete stars 。
思路:分析可知,题目所求为1~N中,与N互质的数的个数,但因为有相同的complete stars 因此必须除掉。
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int eular(int n) { int ret=1,i; for(i=2;i<=sqrt(n)+1;i++) if(n%i==0) { n=n/i; ret*=(i-1); while(n%i==0) { n/=i; ret*=i; } } if(n>1) ret*=(n-1); return ret; } int main() { int t,a,j; while(scanf("%d",&a)!=EOF) { t=eular(a); t=t/2; printf("%d\n",t); } return 0; }