Huber regression
In least square learning methods, we make use of
In order to balance robustness and accuracy, Huber loss may be a good alternative:
Then the optimization goal turns out to be:
As usual, take the linear parameterized model as an example:
For simplicity, we omit the details and give the final outcome (more details needed? refer to
Therefore, the solution can be formulated as:
By iteration, we can solve
n=50; N=1000;
x=linspace(-3,3,n)'; X=linspace(-4,4,N)';
y=x+0.2*randn(n,1); y(n)=-4;
p(:,1)=ones(n,1); p(:,2)=x; t0=p\y; e=1;
for o=1:1000
r=abs(p*t0-y); w=ones(n,1); w(r>e)=e./r(r>e);
if norm(t-t0)<0.001, break, end
P(:,1)=ones(N,1); P(:,2)=X; F=P*t;
figure(1); clf; hold on; axis([-4,4,-4.5,3.5]);
plot(X,F,'g-'); plot(x,y,'bo');
Tukey regression
The Huber loss combined
Of course, the Tukey loss is not a convex funciton, that is to say, there may be serveral local optimal solution. In actual applications, we apply the following weights:
Hence the outliers can no longer put any impact on our estimation.