The RESOLVE Ecoregions dataset, updated in 2017, offers a depiction of the 846 terrestrial ecoregions that represent our living planet. View the stylized map at or in Earth Engine.
Ecoregions, in the simplest definition, are ecosystems of regional extent. Specifically, ecoregions represent distinct assemblages of biodiversity―all taxa, not just vegetation―whose boundaries include the space required to sustain ecological processes. Ecoregions provide a useful basemap for conservation planning in particular because they draw on natural, rather than political, boundaries, define distinct biogeographic assemblages and ecological habitats within biomes, and assist in representation of Earth’s biodiversity.
This dataset is based on recent advances in biogeography - the science concerning the distribution of plants and animals. The original ecoregions dataset has been widely used since its introduction in 2001, underpinning the most recent analyses of the effects of global climate change on nature by ecologists to the distribution of the world's beetles to modern conservation planning.
The 846 terrestrial ecoregions are grouped into 14 biomes and 8 realms. Six of these biomes are forest biomes and remaining eight are non-forest biomes. For the forest biomes, the geographic boundaries of the ecoregions (Dinerstein et al., 2017) and protected areas (UNEP-WCMC 2016) were intersected with the Global Forest Change data (Hansen et al. 2013) for the years 2000 to 2015, to calculate percent of habitat in protected areas and percent of remaining habitat outside protected areas. Likewise, the boundaries of the non-forest ecoregions and protected areas (UNEP-WCMC 2016) were intersected with Anthropogenic Biomes data (Anthromes v2) for the year 2000 (Ellis et al., 2010) to identify remaining habitats inside and outside the protected areas. Each ecoregion has a unique ID, area (sq. degrees), and NNH (Nature Needs Half) categories 1-4. NNH categories are based on percent of habitat in protected areas and percent of remaining habitat outside protected areas.
- Half Protected: More than 50% of the total ecoregion area is already protected.
- Nature Could Reach Half: Less than 50% of the total ecoregion area is protected but the amount of remaining unprotected natural habitat could bring protection to over 50% if new conservation areas are added to the system.
- Nature Could Recover: The amount of protected and unprotected natural habitat remaining is less than 50% but more than 20%. Ecoregions in this category would require restoration to reach Half Protected.
- Nature Imperiled: The amount of protected and unprotected natural habitat remaining is less than or equal to 20%. Achieving half protected is not possible in the short term and efforts should focus on conserving remaining, native habitat fragments.
The updated Ecoregions 2017 is the most-up-to-date (as of February 2018) dataset on remaining habitat in each terrestrial ecoregion. It was released to chart progress towards achieving the visionary goal of Nature Needs Half, to protect half of all the land on Earth to save a living terrestrial biosphere.
Note - a number of ecoregions are very complex polygons with over a million vertices, such as Rock & Ice. These ecoregions were split when necessary, with attributes like Eco_ID being preserved. If you’d like to see all ecoregions that have been split, please run this script.
2017年更新的RESOLVE生态区数据集提供了代表我们生活星球的846个陆地生态区的描述。在 或在Earth Engine中查看风格化的地图。
846个陆地生态区被分为14个生物群落和8个领域。其中6个生物群落为森林生物群落,其余8个为非森林生物群落。对于森林生物群落,生态区(Dinerstein等,2017)和保护区(UNEP-WCMC 2016)的地理边界与2000至2015年的全球森林变化数据(Hansen等,2013)相交,以计算保护区内生境的百分比和保护区外剩余生境的百分比。同样,非森林生态区和保护区的边界(UNEP-WCMC 2016)与2000年的人为生物群落数据(Anthromes v2)(Ellis等人,2010)相交,以确定保护区内外的剩余生境。每个生态区都有一个独特的ID、面积(平方度)和NNH(自然需求的一半)类别1-4。NNH类别是基于保护区内生境的百分比和保护区外剩余生境的百分比。
更新后的《2017年生态区》是关于每个陆地生态区剩余生境的最新数据集(截至2018年2月)。它的发布是为了描绘实现 "自然需要一半 "这一远景目标的进展,即保护地球上一半的土地以拯救一个活生生的陆地生物圈。
注意 - 一些生态区是非常复杂的多边形,有超过一百万个顶点,如岩石和冰。这些生态区在必要时被分割,像Eco_ID这样的属性被保留下来。如果你想看到所有被分割的生态区,请运行这个脚本。
Dataset Availability
2017-04-05T00:00:00 - 2017-04-05T00:00:00
Dataset Provider
RESOLVE Biodiversity and Wildlife Solutions
Collection Snippet
Name | Type | Description |
BIOME_NAME | String | Biome name |
BIOME_NUM | Double | Biome number |
COLOR | String | Color |
COLOR_BIO | String | Biome color |
COLOR_NNH | String | NNH color |
ECO_ID | Double | Ecoregion unique ID |
ECO_NAME | String | Ecoregion name |
LICENSE | String | CC-BY 4.0 |
NNH | Double | NNH category (1-4) based on percent of habitat in protected areas and percent of remaining habitat outside protected areas |
NNH_NAME | String | Half Protected, Nature Could Reach Half, Nature Could Recover, or Nature Imperiled |
OBJECTID | Double | Object id |
REALM | String | Realm name |
SHAPE_AREA | Double | Area of ecoregion polygon in square degrees |
SHAPE_LENG | Double | Length of ecoregion polygon in degrees |
Bioscience, An Ecoregions-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm
var ecoRegions = ee.FeatureCollection("RESOLVE/ECOREGIONS/2017"); // 补丁更新的颜色 var colorUpdates = [ {ECO_ID: 204, COLOR: '#B3493B'}, {ECO_ID: 245, COLOR: '#267400'}, {ECO_ID: 259, COLOR: '#004600'}, {ECO_ID: 286, COLOR: '#82F178'}, {ECO_ID: 316, COLOR: '#E600AA'}, {ECO_ID: 453, COLOR: '#5AA500'}, {ECO_ID: 317, COLOR: '#FDA87F'}, {ECO_ID: 763, COLOR: '#A93800'}, ]; // 循环所有其他特征,并创建一个新的样式属性,以便稍后进行上色。 var ecoRegions = { var color = f.get('COLOR'); return f.set({style: {color: color, width: 0}}); }); //为我们需要更新颜色的区域制作风格化的特征。 // 然后把它们从主资产中剥离出来,合并到新的特征中。 for (var i=0; i < colorUpdates.length; i++) { colorUpdates[i].layer = ecoRegions .filterMetadata('ECO_ID','equals',colorUpdates[i].ECO_ID) .map(function(f) { return f.set({style: {color: colorUpdates[i].COLOR, width: 0}}); }); ecoRegions = ecoRegions .filterMetadata('ECO_ID','not_equals',colorUpdates[i].ECO_ID) .merge(colorUpdates[i].layer); } // 使用样式属性为形状着色 var imageRGB ={styleProperty: 'style'}); Map.setCenter(16, 49, 4); Map.addLayer(imageRGB, {}, 'RESOLVE/ECOREGIONS/2017');