Google Earth Engine ——MODOCGA V6海洋反射率产品由Terra MODIS 8-16波段的1公里反射率数据1km

简介: Google Earth Engine ——MODOCGA V6海洋反射率产品由Terra MODIS 8-16波段的1公里反射率数据1km

The MODOCGA V6 ocean reflectance product consists of 1 kilometer reflectance data from Terra MODIS bands 8-16. The product is referred to as ocean reflectance, because bands 8-16 are used primarily to produce ocean products, but this is not an ocean product as the tiles produced are land tiles.



MODOCGA V6海洋反射率产品由Terra MODIS 8-16波段的1公里反射率数据组成。该产品被称为海洋反射率,因为8-16波段主要用于生产海洋产品,但这并不是一个海洋产品,因为生产的瓦片是陆地瓦片。

Dataset Availability

2000-02-24T00:00:00 - 2021-09-20T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



1000 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min Max Wavelength Scale
num_observations Number of observations per pixel 0 127 0
sur_refl_b08 MODIS band 8 surface reflectance -100 16000 405-420nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b09 MODIS band 9 surface reflectance -100 16000 438-448nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b10 MODIS band 10 surface reflectance -100 16000 483-493nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b11 MODIS band 11 surface reflectance -100 16000 526-536nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b12 MODIS band 12 surface reflectance -100 16000 546-556nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b13 MODIS band 13 surface reflectance -100 16000 662-672nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b14 MODIS band 14 surface reflectance -100 16000 673-683nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b15 MODIS band 15 surface reflectance -100 16000 743-753nm 0.0001
sur_refl_b16 MODIS band 16 surface reflectance -100 16000 862-877nm 0.0001
QC_b8_15_1km Band quality for MODIS bands 8-15 0
QC_b8_15_1km Bitmask
  • Bits 0-3: Band 8 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 4-7: Band 9 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 8-11: Band 10 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 12-15: Band 11 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 16-19: Band 12 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 20-23: Band 13 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 24-27: Band 14 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 28-31: Band 15 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
QC_b16_15_1km Band quality for MODIS band 16 0
QC_b16_15_1km Bitmask
  • Bits 0-3: Unused
    • 0: N/A
  • Bits 4-7: Band 16 data quality
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector; data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
orbit_pnt Pointer to the orbit of each observation 0 15 0
granule_pnt Pointer to the granule of each observation 0 254


MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.


Please visit LP DAAC 'Citing Our Data' page for information on citing LP DAAC datasets.



var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MODOCGA')
                  .filter('2018-01-01', '2018-05-01'));
var falseColor =['sur_refl_b11', 'sur_refl_b10', 'sur_refl_b09']);
var falseColorVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 2000.0,
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
Map.addLayer(falseColor, falseColorVis, 'False Color');

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