消费者添加@EnableFeignClients开启Spring Cloud OpenFeign 的自动化配置功能
- 引入FeignClientsRegistrar
- 指定FeignClient的包信息,也就是指定FeignClient接口类所在的包名
- 指定FeignClient接口类的自定义配置类
public @interface EnableFeignClients {
* Alias for the {@link #basePackages()} attribute. Allows for more concise annotation
* declarations e.g.: {@code @ComponentScan("")} instead of
* {@code @ComponentScan(basePackages="")}.
* @return the array of 'basePackages'.
String[] value() default {};
* Base packages to scan for annotated components.
* <p>
* {@link #value()} is an alias for (and mutually exclusive with) this attribute.
* <p>
* Use {@link #basePackageClasses()} for a type-safe alternative to String-based
* package names.
* @return the array of 'basePackages'.
String[] basePackages() default {};
* Type-safe alternative to {@link #basePackages()} for specifying the packages to
* scan for annotated components. The package of each class specified will be scanned.
* <p>
* Consider creating a special no-op marker class or interface in each package that
* serves no purpose other than being referenced by this attribute.
* @return the array of 'basePackageClasses'.
Class<?>[] basePackageClasses() default {};
* A custom <code>@Configuration</code> for all feign clients. Can contain override
* <code>@Bean</code> definition for the pieces that make up the client, for instance
* {@link feign.codec.Decoder}, {@link feign.codec.Encoder}, {@link feign.Contract}.
* @see FeignClientsConfiguration for the defaults
* @return list of default configurations* A custom <code>@Configuration</code> for all feign clients. Can contain override
* <code>@Bean</code> definition for the pieces that make up the client, for instance
* {@link feign.codec.Decoder}, {@link feign.codec.Encoder}, {@link feign.Contract}.
* @see FeignClientsConfiguration for the defaults
* @return list of default configurations
Class<?>[] defaultConfiguration() default {};
* List of classes annotated with @FeignClient. If not empty, disables classpath
* scanning.
* @return list of FeignClient classes
Class<?>[] clients() default {};