编译x264出现错误:No working C compiler found.

简介: 编译x264出现错误:No working C compiler found.


./configure \
    --prefix=${BUILD_LIBS} \
    --extra-cflags=${BUILD_LIBS}/include \
    --extra-ldflags=${BUILD_LIBS}/lib \


./configure \
    --prefix=${BUILD_LIBS} \
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codeblocks中出现#error This file requires compiler and library support for the错误时的解决方案
编译x264出现错误:No working C compiler found.
编译x264出现错误:No working C compiler found.
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编译OpenJDK11:configure: error: Target CPU mismatch. We are building for x86_64 but CL is for “版“; exp
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编译OpenJDK8报错:configure: error: Failed to determine Xcode version.
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编译OpenJDK11:fixpath Unknown argument: -nologo
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