SAP Spartacus footer区域的一些常见错误

简介: SAP Spartacus footer区域的一些常见错误

问题:footer 根本没有显示



The footer-related issue you are seeing is caused by a missing CMS layout configuration for the footer. It can be resolved by adding the following configuration to the “layoutSlots” configuration in your “app.module.ts”:


If you are referring to items such as the Header or Footer that are present on every page it is advised against lazy loading them. Since they will always need to be loaded there is no gain made in code splitting them. On the contrary, it will cause the total size of the main.js plus the lazy-loaded chunks to be greater than if these items were eagerly loaded.

如果 footer 只在 home 页面出现,但是 PDP 和 checkout 页面消失了。可能的原因:

This was most likely caused by not using the B2C recipe anymore (B2cStorefrontModule). It can

be fixed by adding the following in your app.module.ts providers:



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