如何使用ABAP代码创建SAP Product Category

简介: 如何使用ABAP代码创建SAP Product Category


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In ERP we can create new material type by copying from existing one using tcode OMS2:


This new type could be downloaded into CRM system via customizing download. A product category with prefix MAT_ will be automatically created.

METHOD replicate_category.


     BEGIN OF gc_application,

       sales      TYPE comt_application VALUE '01', "r3-produkthier

       purchasing TYPE comt_application VALUE '02', "r3 mat class

       product    TYPE comt_application VALUE '03', "r3 mat types

       config     TYPE comt_application VALUE '04',

       internet   TYPE comt_application VALUE '05',

     END OF gc_application.


     BEGIN OF gc_product_type,

       material  TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '01',

       service   TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '02',

       finance   TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '03',

       ip_prod   TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '04',

       warranty  TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '05',

       tradeitem TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '06',

       fs_prod   TYPE comt_product_type VALUE '07',

     END OF gc_product_type.

   rv_success = abap_false.

   DATA: lv_hierarchy_guid TYPE comt_hierarchy_guid,

         lv_parent_guid    TYPE comt_category_guid,

         lt_categoryt      TYPE comt_categoryt_tab.

* Prerequisite: the corresponding hierarchy is already downloaded from ERP

* Read the hierarchy which is assigned to application 03

* (product type material) in transaction COMM_PRAPPLCAT



       iv_application    = gc_application-product

       iv_product_type   = gc_product_type-material


       ev_hierarchy_guid = lv_hierarchy_guid


       not_found         = 1

       OTHERS            = 2.

   CHECK sy-subrc = 0.

   DATA(ls_cat_text) = VALUE comt_categoryt( langu = sy-langu category_text = iv_text

   text_upper_case = iv_text ).

   TRANSLATE ls_cat_text-text_upper_case TO UPPER CASE.

   APPEND ls_cat_text TO lt_categoryt.

   select single category_guid into lv_parent_guid FROM comm_category

      where category_id = 'MAT_'.



       iv_category_id           = iv_cat_id

       iv_hierarchy_guid        = lv_hierarchy_guid

       iv_parent_guid           = lv_parent_guid

       iv_product_type          = gc_product_type-material

       it_categoryt             = lt_categoryt

       iv_logsys                = iv_log_sys " 'QI3CLNT502'

       iv_non_assignable        = abap_false


       hierarchy_not_maintained = 1

       wrong_call               = 2

       category_id_exists       = 3

       id_scheme_error          = 4

       error                    = 5

       OTHERS                   = 6.

   IF sy-subrc <> 0.

     MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'X' NUMBER sy-msgno

             WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.





       iv_update_task    = ' '

       iv_update_pme     = ' '

       iv_hierarchy_guid = lv_hierarchy_guid


       internal_error    = 1

       OTHERS            = 2.

   ASSERT sy-subrc = 0.


   rv_success = abap_true.

 ENDMETHOD.Method signature:image.png

How to use this code

Run method in SE24, specify new product category id via parameter iv_cat_id:image.pngExecute method, ensure ev_success equals to abap_true.image.pngOnce created, the category could be searched via tcode COMM_HIERARCHY:image.pngAnd the category could be used to create new product in WebUI:


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