How is SCM product maintenance tcode redirecting access to MARA

简介: Created by Wang, Jerry, last modified on Jan 06, 2017

You can use tcode /SAPAPO/MAT1 to maintain SCM specific attribute of a given material in S4 system.image.png

The material is queried from SCM specific “database table”: /SAPAPO/MATKEYimage.png

This table is redirected to CDS view: P_PRDSCM_MATKEYimage.png

This CDS view is reading data from MARA:image.pngSource code of this CDS view:

@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'PrdscmMatkey'

@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true

@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED

@EndUserText.label: 'Redirect for /SAPAPO/MATKEY'

@ObjectModel.usageType.serviceQuality: #C

@ObjectModel.usageType.sizeCategory : #L

@ObjectModel.usageType.dataClass: #MASTER

@ClientHandling.type: #INHERITED

@ClientHandling.algorithm: #AUTOMATED

define view P_Prdscm_Matkey

as  select from mara as mara

// left outer join /sapapo/tclsys _tclsys on mara.mandt = _tclsys.mandt

left outer join marm on marm.matnr = mara.matnr

and marm.meinh = mara.meins

left outer join mara as ref_mara_rmatp on mara.rmatp = ref_mara_rmatp.matnr

left outer join mara as ref_mara_satnr on mara.satnr = ref_mara_satnr.matnr

left outer join  inob  as inob on mara.scm_matid_guid22 = inob.objek

association [0..1] to E_Product as _ActiveProductExt on $projection.MATNR = _ActiveProductExt.Product


cast( mara.scm_matid_guid22  as /sapapo/matid preserving type) as MATID,

mara.matnr as MATNR,

cast(' ' as /sapapo/product_type preserving type) as PRODUCT_TYPE,

mara.lvorm as LVORM,


// when _tclsys.master_switch = 'C' then 'X'

// when _tclsys.master_switch = 'I' then '1'

when inob.klart = '300' or inob.klart = '400' or inob.klart = '230' then 'X'



when mara.vhart is not null and mara.vhart <> '' then cast('X' as /sapapo/flgpack)

else ''

end as /sapapo/flgpack) as FLAGPACK,

mara.disst as DISST,

mara.meins as MEINS,

//map only, if MARA-ATTYP has one of the values: '00' (Single Produc), '01' (Generic Article), '02' (Variant of a Generic Article), '10' (Sales Set), '11' (Prepack), '12' (Display)

cast(case mara.attyp

when '00' then mara.attyp

when '01' then mara.attyp

when '02' then mara.attyp

when '10' then mara.attyp

when '11' then mara.attyp

when '12' then mara.attyp

else ''

end as /sapapo/attyp preserving type) as ATTYP,

mara.logunit as LOGUNIT,

mara.cwqrel as CWREL,

// map TY2TQ against MARM-TY2TQ

marm.ty2tq as TY2TQ,

mara.brgew as BRGEW,

mara.ntgew as NTGEW,

mara.gewei as GEWEI,

mara.volum as VOLUM,

mara.voleh as VOLEH,

// Calculated: True, if Shelf life duration not initial


when (mara.iprkz = ' ' or mara.iprkz = '1' or mara.iprkz = '2' or mara.iprkz = '3') and mara.mhdhb > 0 then 'X'

else ''


//Calculated: mhdhb * 240000 & IPRKZ (can be set to day, week(*7), month(*30) or year(*365))

//if result > 2399760000 then result = 2399760000


// -> for day: case ( mhdhb * 240000 ) > 2399760000 then SHELF_LIFE_DUR = 2399760000

// else SHELF_LIFE_DUR = mhdhb * 240000

// -> ( mhdhb * 240000 ) > 2399760000 -> case condition: mhdhb > 2399760000 / 240000 ( = 9999 )

// -> case condition iprkz ' ': mhdhb > 9999

// -> case condition iprkz '1': mhdhb > 1428,4286 -> DEC(4,0): 1428

// -> case condition iprkz '2': mhdhb > 333,3333 -> DEC(4,0): 333

// -> case condition iprkz '3': mhdhb > 27,3945 -> DEC(4,0): 27


when mara.iprkz = ' ' and mara.mhdhb <= 9999 then mara.mhdhb * 240000

when mara.iprkz = ' ' and mara.mhdhb > 9999 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.mhdhb <= 1428 then mara.mhdhb * 240000 * 7

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.mhdhb > 1428 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.mhdhb <= 333 then mara.mhdhb * 240000 * 30

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.mhdhb > 333 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.mhdhb <= 27 then mara.mhdhb * 240000 * 365

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.mhdhb > 27 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

else 0

end as /sapapo/shelf_life_dur) as SHELF_LIFE_DUR,

mara.scm_maturity_dur as MATURITY_DUR,


when mara.iprkz = ' ' and mara.mhdrz <= 9999 then mara.mhdrz * 240000

when mara.iprkz = ' ' and mara.mhdrz > 9999 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.mhdrz <= 1428 then mara.mhdrz * 240000 * 7

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.mhdrz > 1428 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.mhdrz <= 333 then mara.mhdrz * 240000 * 30

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.mhdrz > 333 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.mhdrz <= 27 then mara.mhdrz * 240000 * 365

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.mhdrz > 27 then cast( 2399760000 as abap.dec(19) )

else 0

end as /sapapo/shelf_life_req_min) as SHLF_LFE_REQ_MIN,

mara.scm_shlf_lfe_req_max as SHLF_LFE_REQ_MAX,

mara.mhdlp as MHDLP,

mara.iprkz as IPRKZ,

// SLED_BBD: Map 'E' to SPACE and 'B' to 'X'

case mara.sled_bbd

when 'E' then ' '

when 'B' then 'X'

else ''

end as SLED_BBD,

// Rounding Rule for Calculation of Shelf Life Expiration Date


when mara.iprkz = ' ' or mara.rdmhd = ' ' then ' ' // no rounding

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.rdmhd = '-' then '1' // beginning of the week

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.rdmhd = '+' then '2' // end of the week

when mara.iprkz = '1' and mara.rdmhd = 'F' then '3' // beginning of the next week

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.rdmhd = '-' then '4' // beginning of the month

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.rdmhd = '+' then '5' // end of the month

when mara.iprkz = '2' and mara.rdmhd = 'F' then '6' // beginning of the next month

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.rdmhd = '-' then '7' // beginning of the year

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.rdmhd = '+' then '8' // end of the year

when mara.iprkz = '3' and mara.rdmhd = 'F' then '9' // beginning of the next year

else ' ' // no rounding

end as /scmb/mdl_sldrnd) as SLDRND,

cast('' as /sapapo/mat_char40) as ATT01,

cast('' as /sapapo/mat_char30) as ATT02,

cast('' as /sapapo/mat_char20) as ATT03,

cast('' as /sapapo/mat_char10) as ATT04,

cast('' as /sapapo/mat_char10) as ATT05,






mara.matkl as MATKL,

mara.compl as COMPL,

// STFAC cannot be set by R/3

cast('' as /sapapo/stfac) as STFAC,

mara.tragr as TRAGR,

'' as TS_SDP_USE,

mara.prdha as PRDHA,

'' as GTIN_IND,

'' as DISPLAY,

mara.herkl as HERKL,

mara.xchpf as BATCH_REQ,

'' as KITCOMP,


mara.serial as SERIAL,

cast('' as /scmb/mdl_data_checked_by) as DATA_CHECK_BY,

cast(0 as /scmb/mdl_data_checked_at) as DATA_CHECK_AT,

mara.kosch as KOSCH,

cast('' as /sapapo/kosch_grp) as KOSCH_GRP,

cast('' as /sapapo/vmikosch) as VMIKOSCH,

cast('' as /sapapo/vmikosch_grp) as VMIKOSCH_GRP,

mara.magrv as PACKGR,


//cast(rmatp as /SAPAPO/RMATID) as RMATP,

//rmatp as RMATP,

cast(ref_mara_rmatp.scm_matid_guid22 as /sapapo/rmatid) as RMATP,

mara.hutyp_dflt as HUTYP_DFLT,

mara.cuobf as CUOBJ,

cast(ref_mara_satnr.scm_matid_guid22 as /sapapo/satid) as SATID,

mara.kzkfg as KZKFG,

cast('' as /sapapo/matvers_head) as MATVERS_HEAD,

// remover by I321042


cast( '' as /sapapo/aennr ) as MATVERS_CHNR,

cast('' as /sapapo/temprpblock) as TEMPRPBLOCK,

cast(0 as /sapapo/temprpfrom) as TEMPRPFROM,

cast(0 as /sapapo/temprpto) as TEMPRPTO,


cast('' as /sapapo/likeid) as LIKEID,

cast('' as abap.dats) as PHIN_FROM,

cast('' as abap.dats) as PHIN_TO,

cast('' as abap.char(22)) as PHIN_TSID,

cast('' as abap.dats) as PHOUT_FROM,

cast('' as abap.dats) as PHOUT_TO,

cast('' as abap.char(22)) as PHOUT_TSID,

cast('' as abap.char(22)) as LIFE_CYCLE_LOCID,

mara.ernam as CREATEUSER,

// siehe https://ld:44318/sap/public/bc/abap/docu?format=standard&object=abencds_f1_cast_expression&sap-language=DE&sap-client=000

// direct cast from DATS to DEC not possible, but cast from DATS to CHAR, from CHAR to NUMC and from NUMC to DEC is possible (concat makes cast from DATS to CHAR)

cast( cast( concat( mara.ersda, '000000') as abap.numc(15) ) as /sapapo/tsucr) as CREATEUTC,

mara.aenam as CHANGEUSER,

cast( cast( concat( mara.laeda, '000000') as abap.numc(15) ) as /sapapo/tsuup) as CHANGEUTC



mara.scm_matid_guid22 <> '0'

and mara.scm_matid_guid22 <> ''

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In this Document  Symptoms   Cause   Solution Applies to: Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: 11.
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When MARA-SCM_MATID_GUID16 is filled
Created by Wang, Jerry on Jan 05, 2017
When MARA-SCM_MATID_GUID16 is filled
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Unable to determine if the owner (Domain\UserName) of job JOB_NAME has server access
早上巡检的的时候,发现一数据库的作业报如下错误(作业名等敏感信息已经替换),该作业的OWNER为一个域账号: JOB RUN: 'JOB_NAME' was run on 2016-6-1 at 7:00:00 DURATION: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1 seconds STATUS: Failed MESSAGES: The job failed.
1402 0
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