开源项目Universal Image Loader for Android

简介: In the previous article, we’ve initialized the ImageLoader with configuration; and now, it is ready for immediate use according to its intended purpose.  在之前的章节,我们已经通过配置初始化了ImageLoader,现在

In the previous article, we’ve initialized the ImageLoader with configuration; and now, it is ready for immediate use according to its intended purpose.


For this, it has four overloaded methods:


void displayImage(String url, ImageView view)

void displayImage(String url, ImageView view, DisplayImageOptions options)

void displayImage(String url, ImageView view, ImageLoadingListener listener)

void displayImage(String url, ImageView view, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener)


The first option.

void displayImage(String url, ImageView view)

Everything is simple. We say, from which URL an image should be downloaded and in which ImageView it should be displayed. The view options (DisplayImageOptions) will be taken from configuration (defaultDisplayImageOptions (...)) in this case.



The second option.

void displayImage(String url, ImageView view, DisplayImageOptions options)

We already can define certain options for a specific task. First, I’ll give an example of creating my own options: 


DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()








Yes, Builder again. As mentioned in the first article, we can specify using DisplayImageOptions:


• whether to display the stub image in ImageView, while the real image is downloading, and what image should be displayed; 


• whether to display the stub image in ImageView if empty image URL was passed, and what image should be displayed;


• whether to cache the loaded image in memory;


• whether to cache the downloaded image on file system.


• to decode the image as quickly as possible (DecodingType.FAST) or as economical for RAM as possible (DecodingType.MEMORY_SAVING).


So, we can pass these options every time by calling displayImage() method or we can specify default options in configuration for initialization; and they will be used in all cases when options weren’t explicitly passed by method calling.

 所以,我们可以在每次调用 displayImage() 方法的时候传入这些参数,或者调用默认的选项来初始化

In addition, you can "listen" the process of image downloading and displaying using the interface ImageLoadingListener:The third option.


public interface ImageLoadingListener {

    void onLoadingStarted();

    void onLoadingFailed();

    void onLoadingComplete();



And the fourth option is the most powerful one. You can both define options and "listen" to the process.

 void displayImage(String url, ImageView view, DisplayImageOptions options, ImageLoadingListener listener)


Tips and tricks


1. To perform its functions, the ImageLoader should receive correct parameters. And the point is ImageView rather than image URL. If you create an ImageView object in code (not using LayoutInflater), then pass the current Activity to constructor, and not the application context:


ImageView imageView = new ImageView(getApplicationContext()); //错误

ImageView imageView = new ImageView(MyActivity.this); //正确

ImageView imageView = new ImageView(getActivity()); // 正确 (用于 Fragments)


2. You should configure the maxImageWidthForMemoryCache(...) and maxImageHeightForMemoryCache(...) parameters in configuration only if you want to load in the ImageView images with size larger than size of the device's screen (for example, for subsequent zooming). In all other cases, you don’t need this: these parameters consider the screen size by default for saving memory when working with Bitmaps.


3. Set thread pool size in the configuration wisely: a large pool size (> 10) will allow multiple threads to work simultaneously, which can significantly affect the UI work speed. But it can be fixed by setting a lower priority for threads: the lower priority is the more responsive UI is while ImageLoader work and the longer images are loaded. UI responsiveness is critical to the lists (smooth scrolling), so you should play around with setting of threadPoolSize(...) and threadPriority(...) parameters for selection of the optimal configuration for your application.

 在设置中配置线程池的大小是非常明智的。一个大的线程池会允许多条线程同时工作,但是也会显著的影响到UI线程的速度。但是可以通过设置一个较低的优先级来解决:当ImageLoader在使用的时候,可以降低它的优先级,这样UI线程会更加流畅。在使用List的时候,UI 线程经常会不太流畅,所以在你的程序中最好设置threadPoolSize(...)threadPriority(...)这两个参数来优化你的应用。

4. memoryCacheSize(...) and memoryCache(...) settings overlap each other. Use only one of them for one configuration object.


5. discCacheSize(...)discCacheFileCount(...) and discCache(...) settings overlap each other, using only one of them for one configuration object.


6. If by using the ImageLoader in an application you always (or almost always) pass into the displayImage(...)method the same loading options (DisplayImageOptions), then a reasonable solution would be setting these options in the ImageLoader configuration as default options (defaultDisplayImageOptions(...) method). Then, you should not indicate these options by calling displayImage(...). If options aren’t explicitly given to the method, then default option will be used for this task.


7. There is no significant difference between FAST and MEMORY_SAVING decoding types, but it is recommended to use FAST for all kinds of lists (where you want to display many images of small size), and MEMORY_SAVING for galleries (where you want to display images of large size).

在图片解析的时候使用 FAST 或者 MEMORY_SAVING模式,并不会有明显的区别。但是如果要在list中显示的时候,建议使用FAST模式,Gallery中显示的时候建议使用MEMORY_SAVING模式。


So, I've completed my story about the Universal Image Loader. The project sources are available on GitHub.

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