解决Native atomics support not found问题

简介: 今天用arm-none-linux-gnueabi交叉编译libmysqclient.so,出现Native atomics support not found问题 进入mysql-connector-c-6.
今天用arm-none-linux-gnueabi交叉编译libmysqclient.so,出现Native atomics support not found问题
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#  include "atomic/generic-msvc.h"
#elif defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC)
#  include "atomic/solaris.h"
#  include "atomic/gcc_builtins.h"
#  error Native atomics support not found!
简单的解决方式就说把这注释掉,在上面加上#include "atomic/gcc_builtins.h"
  #include "atomic/gcc_builtins.h"
/*#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#  include "atomic/generic-msvc.h"
#elif defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ATOMIC)
#  include "atomic/solaris.h"
#  include "atomic/gcc_builtins.h"
#  error Native atomics support not found!
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1:出现此种错误应该是jar版本包冲突了,启动hive的时候,由于hive依赖hadoop,启动hive,会将hadoop的配置以及jar包等等导入到hive中,导致jar包版本冲突,下面贴一下错误,然后贴一下解决方法: 1 [root@master bin]# .
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