ORA-04089: cannot create triggers on objects owned by SYS

简介: 1. 此错误的原因是因为你在以sys用户创建触发器,但oracle却不建议在sys用户下创建触发器。
1. 此错误的原因是因为你在以sys用户创建触发器,但oracle却不建议在sys用户下创建触发器。
SQL 关系型数据库 Oracle
ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed
1. Oracle建议我们等待大约5分钟之后再进行flashback query新创建的表,否则可能会碰到这个错误ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed.
1813 0
SQL 监控 Go
backup, file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) and encryption changes on a database must be serialized.
昨天在检查YourSQLDba备份时,发现有台数据库做备份时出现了下面错误信息,如下所示:   yMaint.ShrinkLog   Log Shrink   --  ============================================================...
1100 0
ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - child record found
在更新表的主键字段或DELETE数据时,如果遇到ORA-02292: integrity constraint (xxxx) violated - child record found 这个是因为主外键关系,下面借助一个小列子来描述一下这个错误: SQL> create table studen...
2418 0
Oracle 关系型数据库 SQL
【MOS】EVENT: DROP_SEGMENTS - cleanup of TEMPORARY segments (文档 ID 47400.1)
【MOS】EVENT: DROP_SEGMENTS - Forcing cleanup of TEMPORARY segments (文档 ID 47400.1) ***Checked for relevance on 14-Jun-2012*** ...
1203 0
关系型数据库 MySQL 数据库
Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist.
原因 需要更新mysql 措施 sudo mysql_upgrade -u root -p –force 出现以下内容成功 Checking server version. Running queries to upgrade MySQL server. Checking system database. ….. …..
1504 0