void CJx3LoginDlg::OnCustomdrawList( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* pLVCD = reinterpret_cast<NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*>( pNMHDR ); // Take the default processing unless we set this to something else below. *pResult = 0; // First thing - check the draw stage. If it's the control's prepaint // stage, then tell Windows we want messages for every item. if ( CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; } else if ( CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { // This is the prepaint stage for an item. Here's where we set the // item's text color. Our return value will tell Windows to draw the // item itself, but it will use the new color we set here. // We'll cycle the colors through red, green, and light blue. COLORREF crText; UINT nRow; nRow=pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec; BOOL bRed =FALSE; CString strTimeEnd = g_userList.GetUserFormUser(m_ListCtrl.GetItemText(nRow,IUSER)).m_TimeRemain; if(!strTimeEnd.IsEmpty()) { COleDateTime tm_end; tm_end.ParseDateTime(strTimeEnd); COleDateTime CurTime = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime(); COleDateTimeSpan ret = tm_end - CurTime; LONG nRemainDays = ret.GetDays(); if(nRemainDays <=2 && nRemainDays > -10 ) { bRed = TRUE; } } else bRed = FALSE; //bRet 为真的话,将该行字体显示为红色,否则显示为黑色 if(bRed) crText = RGB(255,0,0); else crText = RGB(0,0,0); // Store the color back in the NMLVCUSTOMDRAW struct. // pLVCD->clrText = crText; pLVCD->clrText=crText; // Tell Windows to paint the control itself. *pResult = CDRF_DODEFAULT; } }