application/x-www-form-urlencoded | 这是默认编码方式,它只处理表单域里的value属性值, 采用这种编码方式的表单会将表单域的值处理成URL编码方式。 |
multipart/form-data | 这种编码方式的表单会以二进制流的方式来处理表单数据, 这种编码方式会把文件域指定文件的内容也封装到请求参数里。 |
text/plain | 这种方式主要适用于直接通过表单发送邮件的方式 |
1 <body> 2 <div style="padding:20px"> 3 <form action="action.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" target="iframeUpload"> 4 <iframe name="iframeUpload" width="400" height="400" frameborder='1'></iframe> 5 <input type="hidden" name="UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER" value="1" /> 6 <input id="file1" name="file1" type="file"/> 7 <input value="上传" type="submit" onclick="startProgress()"/> 8 </form> 9 </div> 10 <div style="width: 500px; height: 20px;border:1px solid red"> 11 <div style="position: relative; height: 20px; background-color: purple; width: 0%;" class="barinner"></div> 12 </div> 13 <div id='showNum'></div> 14 <div class="prbar"> 15 <div class="prpos barinner"></div> 16 </div> 17 </body>
1 var proNum=0; 2 var loop=0; 3 var progressResult = ""; 4 var interval; 5 function sendURL() { 6 $.ajax({ 7 type : 'GET', 8 url : "getprogress.php", 9 async : true, 10 cache : false, 11 dataType : 'json', 12 data: "progress_key=" + $('input[name=UPLOAD_IDENTIFIER]').val(), 13 success : function(e) { 14 proNum=parseInt(e); 15 if(e){ 16 $('.barinner').css('width', proNum+"%"); 17 $('#showNum').html(proNum+"%"); 18 setTimeout("getProgress()", 200); 19 20 }else{ 21 if(interval == 1){ 22 $('.barinner').css('width', "100%"); 23 $('#showNum').html("100%"); 24 } 25 } 26 } 27 }); 28 } 29 function getProgress(){ 30 loop++; 31 sendURL(); 32 } 33 function startProgress(){ 34 interval = 1; 35 $('.barinner').css('width', proNum+"%"); 36 $('#showNum').html(proNum+"%"); 37 setTimeout("getProgress()", 500); 38 }
1 <?php 2 if (function_exists("uploadprogress_get_info")) { 3 $info = uploadprogress_get_info($_GET['progress_key']); 4 if(!empty($info)){ 5 if(($info['bytes_uploaded'] < $info['bytes_total']) && !empty($info['bytes_uploaded']) && !empty($info['bytes_total'])){ 6 $proNum = floor(($info['bytes_uploaded']/$info['bytes_total'])*100); 7 }else{ 8 $proNum = 100; 9 } 10 echo $proNum; 11 }else{ 12 echo 0; 13 } 14 }
1 .prbar { 2 margin:5px; 3 width:500px; 4 background-color:#dddddd; 5 overflow:hidden; 6 7 /* 边框效果 */ 8 border: 1px solid #bbbbbb; 9 -moz-border-radius: 15px; 10 border-radius: 15px; 11 12 /* 为进度条增加阴影效果 */ 13 -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #555555; 14 -moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #555555; 15 box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px #555555; 16 } 17 /* No rounded corners for Opera, because the overflow:hidden dont work with rounded corners */ 18 doesnotexist:-o-prefocus, .prbar { 19 border-radius:0px; 20 } 21 .prpos { 22 width:0%; 23 height:30px; 24 background-color:#3399ff; 25 border-right:1px solid #bbbbbb; 26 /* CSS3 进度条渐变 */ 27 transition: width 2s ease; 28 -webkit-transition: width 0s ease; 29 -o-transition: width 0s ease; 30 -moz-transition: width 0s ease; 31 -ms-transition: width 0s ease; 32 /* CSS3 Stripes */ 33 background-image: linear-gradient(135deg,#3399ff 25%,#99ccff 25%,#99ccff 50%, #3399ff 50%, #3399ff 75%,#99ccff 75%,#99ccff 100%); 34 background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(135deg,#3399ff 25%,#99ccff 25%,#99ccff 50%, #3399ff 50%, #3399ff 75%,#99ccff 75%,#99ccff 100%); 35 background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(135deg,#3399ff 25%,#99ccff 25%,#99ccff 50%, #3399ff 50%, #3399ff 75%,#99ccff 75%,#99ccff 100%); 36 background-image: -o-linear-gradient(135deg,#3399ff 25%,#99ccff 25%,#99ccff 50%, #3399ff 50%, #3399ff 75%,#99ccff 75%,#99ccff 100%); 37 background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 100% 100%, 0 0,color-stop(.25, #99ccff), color-stop(.25, #3399ff),color-stop(.5, #3399ff),color-stop(.5, #99ccff),color-stop(.75, #99ccff),color-stop(.75, #3399ff),color-stop(1, #3399ff)); 38 background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(135deg,#3399ff 25%,#99ccff 25%,#99ccff 50%, #3399ff 50%, #3399ff 75%,#99ccff 75%,#99ccff 100%); 39 background-size: 40px 40px; 40 /* Background stripes animation */ 41 animation: bganim 3s linear 2s infinite; 42 -moz-animation: bganim 3s linear 2s infinite; 43 -webkit-animation: bganim 3s linear 2s infinite; 44 -o-animation: bganim 3s linear 2s infinite; 45 -ms-animation: bganim 3s linear 2s infinite; 46 } 47 @keyframes bganim { 48 from {background-position:0px;} to { background-position:40px;} 49 } 50 @-moz-keyframes bganim { 51 from {background-position:0px;} to { background-position:40px;} 52 } 53 @-webkit-keyframes bganim { 54 from {background-position:0px;} to { background-position:40px;} 55 } 56 @-o-keyframes bganim { 57 from {background-position:0px;} to { background-position:40px;} 58 } 59 @-ms-keyframes bganim { 60 from {background-position:0px;} to { background-position:40px;} 61 }
http://www.cnblogs.com/58top/archive/2013/01/07/pure_css_progress_bar_animated_by_css3.html 分享纯CSS3编写的的精美动画进度条
http://www.9streets.cn/art-php-561.html 利用uploadprogress实现上传进度条
http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=tHDoUekTcj0VhIFFlz2FfKcyD17VNh2o5bs1tIdDNlBK2ee56Shnj77ywzVJAqWxcN6JlaTVbHOBG9clU-9q0ucg8hdNG3i-FZ63Z1N5PEW Web上传文件的三种解决方案
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ca9fdd80100bh4c.html 文件上传的原理