

If you as I need to get some traffic from a Mikrotik router and /tool sniffer quick doesn’t cut it, as you need not just the headers the best way is stream the traffic to the a Linux box. The Mikrotik configuration is easy, just set the server you want to stream to:

/tool sniffer set streaming-enabled=yes streaming-server=<ip_of_the_server>

Configure a filter as you don’t want to stream everything:

/tool sniffer set filter-ip-address=<an_example_filter_ip>

and now you need only to start it with

/tool sniffer start

and check with

/tool sniffer print

if everything is running.

But now comes the part that is not documented that well. Searching through the internet I found some posts/articles on how to use Wireshark for capturing, but that does not work correctly – at least not for me.


If you configure the capture filter to udp port 37008 to get everything the router sends via TZSP you will see following lines


If you now set the display filter to show only TZSP these packets are not displayed any more. This packets contain information we need and I was not able to configure Wireshark 1.10.2 to work correctly. If you know how to get it to work, please write a comment. I changed my approach to use an other program to write the packets to disk and look at them later with Wireshark. And I found a program from Mikrotik directly which does that.  Go to the download page and download Trafr and extract and use it like this:

$ tar xzf trafr.tgz
$ ./trafr
usage: trafr <file | -s> [ip_addr]
-s      write output to stdout. pipe it into tcpdump for example:
./trafr -s | /usr/sbin/tcpdump -r -
ip_addr use to filter one source router by ip address
$ ./trafr test.pcap <ip_of_the_router>

After you stopped the program you can open the file in Wireshark and no packets are missing.

本文转自 h2appy  51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/h2appy/1678891,如需转载请自行联系原作者
运维 网络协议 Python
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Wireshark 如何过滤抓到的网络包?
Wireshark 如何过滤抓到的网络包?
缓存 网络协议
Wireshark可以跟踪网络协议的通讯过程,本节通过ARP协议,在了解Wireshark使用的基础上,重温ARP协议的通讯过程。 ARP(Address Resolution Protocol)地址解析协议,是根据IP地址获取物理地址的一个TCP/IP协议。 主机发送信息时将包含目标IP地址的ARP请求广播到局域网络上的所有主机,并接收返回消息,以此确定目标的物理地址;收到返回消息后将该IP地址和物理地址存入本机ARP缓存中并保留一定时间,下次请求时直接查询ARP缓存以节约资源。 在Wireshark界面,我们可以看到19、20号数据包,就是一对标准的ARP请求和响应包。
缓存 监控 网络协议
1. File:了解抓包文件的各种属性,例如抓包文件的名称、路径、文件所含数据包的规模等信息 2. Time:获悉抓包的开始、结束和持续时间 3. Capture:抓包文件由哪块网卡生成、OS版本、Wireshark版本等信息 4. Display:剩下的是汇总统计信息,数据包的总数、数量以及占比情况、网速等
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