有以分著名的报告大家有时间可以多关注以下 最重要的 两句给大家复制过来
The date predicted by this model where the IPv4 unallocated address pool will be exhausted is 21-Dec-2011 . A related prediction is the exhaustion of the IANA IPv4 unallocated address pool, which this model predicts will occur on 02-Feb-2011
有以分著名的报告大家有时间可以多关注以下 最重要的 两句给大家复制过来
The date predicted by this model where the IPv4 unallocated address pool will be exhausted is 21-Dec-2011 . A related prediction is the exhaustion of the IANA IPv4 unallocated address pool, which this model predicts will occur on 02-Feb-2011
本文转自 song8575 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/song8575/90660