Language Codes Reference


     Language Codes有几个老记不住,做下笔记,加深记忆,也供参考:

Language $LANG value
Englist(US) en_US.utf8
Assamese as_IN.utf8
Bengali bn_IN.utf8
Chinese(Simplified) zh_CN.utf8
chinese(Traditional) zh_TW.utf8
French fr_FR.utf8
German de_DE.utf8
Gujarati gu_IN.utf8
Hindi hi_IN.utf8
Italian it_IT.utf8
Japanese ja_JP.utf8
Kannada kn_IN.utf8
Korean ko_KR.utf8
Malayalam ml_IN.utf8
Marathi mr_IN.utf8
Odia or_IN.utf8
Portuguese(Brazilian) pt_BR.utf8
Punjabi pa_IN.utf8
Russian ru_RU.utf8
Spanish es_ES.utf8


Telugu te_IN.utf8

      本文转自Jx战壕  51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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