Restore Production Database to Development Platform A step-by-step example

Overview of setup and configuration
  • Oracle Enterprise Edition 11gR2. RH5NetBackup 6.5.5
  • Identical environments:
    • Identical versions of Oracle.
    • The archive log directory is defined to be the Flash Recovery Area:
  • You know the DBID.
  • Control file autobackup feature enabled with the default format.
NetBackup MML considerations  Restoring from tape using the NetBackup MML MANDITORY requirement on the NetBackup Master Server. On the NBU Master server the following directory and file must exist: /[netbackup install]/db/altnames/No.Restrictions  Restore  Restore the spfile to pfile. RMAN> run { allocate channel t1 device type sbt; send ','; set controlfile autobackup format for device type sbt to '%F'; restore spfile to pfile '?/dbs/initprod.ora' from autobackup; shutdown abort; }
2011 384 hackworth_ppt
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