Cursor query (Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder)
Query the given URI, returning a Cursor
over the result set.
For best performance, the caller should follow these guidelines:
- Provide an explicit projection, to prevent reading data from storage that aren't going to be used.
- Use question mark parameter markers such as 'phone=?' instead of explicit values in the
parameter, so that queries that differ only by those values will be recognized as the same for caching purposes.
uri | The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve. |
projection | A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns, which is inefficient. |
selection | A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URI. |
selectionArgs | You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in the order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings. |
sortOrder | How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY itself). Passing null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. |
- A Cursor object, which is positioned before the first entry, or null
我们先打开Android官方的开发文档,找到ContentProvider Guide这一页,这页对ContentProvider的使用有个简要的说明,其中使用了手机中的“联系人”做了举例说明:
Fields | |||||||||||
CONTENT_FILTER_URI | The content:// style URI used for "type-to-filter" functionality on the CONTENT_URI URI. |
CONTENT_FREQUENT_URI | The content:// style URI for showing a list of frequently contacted people. | |||||||||
CONTENT_GROUP_URI | ||||||||||
CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI | A content:// style URI for this table that should be used to create shortcuts or otherwise create long-term links to contacts. | |||||||||
CONTENT_MULTI_VCARD_URI | Base Uri for referencing multiple Contacts entry, created by appending LOOKUP_KEY using withAppendedPath(Uri, String) . |
CONTENT_STREQUENT_FILTER_URI | The content:// style URI used for "type-to-filter" functionality on the CONTENT_STREQUENT_URI URI. |
CONTENT_STREQUENT_URI | The content:// style URI for this table joined with useful data from ContactsContract.Data , filtered to include only starred contacts and the most frequently contacted contacts. |
CONTENT_URI | The content:// style URI for this table | |||||||||
CONTENT_VCARD_URI | Base Uri for referencing a single Contacts entry, created by appending LOOKUP_KEY using withAppendedPath(Uri, String) . |
android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts |
AlarmClock | The AlarmClock provider contains an Intent action and extras that can be used to start an Activity to set a new alarm or timer in an alarm clock application. |
Browser | |
CalendarContract | The contract between the calendar provider and applications. |
CalendarContract.Attendees | Fields and helpers for interacting with Attendees. |
CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts | Fields and helpers for accessing calendar alerts information. |
CalendarContract.CalendarCache | CalendarCache stores some settings for calendar including the current time zone for the instances. |
CalendarContract.CalendarEntity | Class that represents a Calendar Entity. |
CalendarContract.Calendars | Constants and helpers for the Calendars table, which contains details for individual calendars. |
CalendarContract.Colors | Fields for accessing colors available for a given account. |
CalendarContract.EventDays | Fields and helpers for querying for a list of days that contain events. |
CalendarContract.Events | Constants and helpers for the Events table, which contains details for individual events. |
CalendarContract.EventsEntity | Class that represents an Event Entity. |
CalendarContract.ExtendedProperties | Fields for accessing the Extended Properties. |
CalendarContract.Instances | Fields and helpers for interacting with Instances. |
CalendarContract.Reminders | Fields and helpers for accessing reminders for an event. |
CalendarContract.SyncState | A table provided for sync adapters to use for storing private sync state data. |
CallLog | The CallLog provider contains information about placed and received calls. |
CallLog.Calls | Contains the recent calls. |
MediaStore | The Media provider contains meta data for all available media on both internal and external storage devices. |
MediaStore.Audio | Container for all audio content. |
MediaStore.Audio.Albums | Contains artists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Artists | Contains artists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Artists.Albums | Sub-directory of each artist containing all albums on which a song by the artist appears. |
MediaStore.Audio.Genres | Contains all genres for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Genres.Members | Sub-directory of each genre containing all members. |
MediaStore.Audio.Media | |
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists | Contains playlists for audio files |
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members | Sub-directory of each playlist containing all members. |
MediaStore.Audio.Radio | |
MediaStore.Files | Media provider table containing an index of all files in the media storage, including non-media files. |
MediaStore.Images | Contains meta data for all available images. |
MediaStore.Images.Media | |
MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails | This class allows developers to query and get two kinds of thumbnails: MINI_KIND: 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND: 96 x 96 thumbnail |
MediaStore.Video | |
MediaStore.Video.Media | |
MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails | This class allows developers to query and get two kinds of thumbnails: MINI_KIND: 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND: 96 x 96 thumbnail |
Nested Classes | |||||||||||
MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns | ||||||||||
MediaStore.Images.Media | ||||||||||
MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails | This class allows developers to query and get two kinds of thumbnails: MINI_KIND: 512 x 384 thumbnail MICRO_KIND: 96 x 96 thumbnail |
Fields | |||||||||||
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI | The content:// style URI for the "primary" external storage volume. | |||||||||
INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI | The content:// style URI for the internal storage. |
ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor query = contentResolver.query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null);最后根据获取到的Cursor对象来查询我们想要的信息:
ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); Cursor query = contentResolver.query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); int columnCount = query.getColumnCount(); while (query.moveToNext()) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { int type = query.getType(i);//获取数据类型 String columnName = query.getColumnName(i);//获取列名 stringBuilder.append(columnName + " : "); //获得查询结果 if (type == Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING) { String string = query.getString(i); stringBuilder.append(string + " , "); } else if (type == Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER) { int anInt = query.getInt(i); stringBuilder.append(anInt + " , "); } } Log.i("EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI", stringBuilder.toString()); }打印日志(略去部分信息):
I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 24181 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-02-03-15-24-42.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 24182 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-02-03-15-24-45.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 24183 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-02-09-15-30-18.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 24184 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-03-01-11-54-13.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 27983 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/89080ef7a854b5fbfa7aaab86deb38bf.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 27984 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/5b1a9db2a612c56903667fd5ced07690.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 27985 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/94e91ec0761c9d0e775bcbec65238fa7.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 27986 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/xtuone/friday/note/default_note.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29187 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/citylist.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29188 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/icon_beijing_ap2.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29189 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/icon_beijing_ap3.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29190 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/icon_shanghai_ap.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29191 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/loading.gif I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29192 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/transfer.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29193 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/BaiduMap/cache/assets/subway/images/transparent.gif I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29532 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/0d19d995e981b74534a62625f4aee3ff.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29533 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/262c3ebb8ec005fda0f020de8aaf0c27.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 29534 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Tencent/Tencentnews/download/e6f74c620519a1c538832f1d78b02e0e.jpg I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 35369 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot_2015-07-10-13-51-27.png I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36466 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10578.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36467 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10598.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36468 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10614.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36469 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10628.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36470 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10681.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36471 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/10461.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36472 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/17846.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36473 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/19971.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36474 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/19972.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36475 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/19973.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36476 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/20068.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36477 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/Backucup/com.UCMobile/homepage/appcenter/22123.bmp I/EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI: _id : 36924 , _data : /storage/sdcard0/sina/weibo/weibo/img-7b5bb4b9104581089705450942ebaf17.gif最后你就可以拿着这些地址胡作为非了,赶快根据这种思路去实现一下获取音频,视频文件的功能吧!