- SQL> alter diskgroup DATA mount
- NOTE: cache registered group DATA number=1 incarn=0xc28a1e2d
- NOTE: cache began mount (first) of group DATA number=1 incarn=0xc28a1e2d
- Tue Dec 11 18:06:55 2012
- ERROR: no PST quorum in group: required 2, found 0 <<<<<<<<<<<
- NOTE: cache dismounting (clean) group 1/0xC28A1E2D (DATA)
- NOTE: dbwr not being msg'd to dismount
- NOTE: lgwr not being msg'd to dismount
- NOTE: cache dismounted group 1/0xC28A1E2D (DATA)
- NOTE: cache ending mount (fail) of group DATA number=1 incarn=0xc28a1e2d
- NOTE: cache deleting context for group DATA 1/0xc28a1e2d
- GMON dismounting group 1 at 8 for pid 17, osid 32163
- ERROR: diskgroup DATA was not mounted
- ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
- ORA-15017: diskgroup "DATA" cannot be mounted
- ORA-15063: ASM discovered an insufficient number of disks for diskgroup "DATA"
- ERROR: alter diskgroup DATA mount
- asm_diskgroups='DATA'
- instance_type='asm'
- large_pool_size=12M
- remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE'
- [grid@lgto_test ~]$ kfod disks=all
- ----Non output----
- [grid@lgto_test peer]$ cd /dev/oracleasm/disks/
- [grid@lgto_test disks]$ ls
- ----Non output----
- [grid@lgto_test disks]$ /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
- ----Non output----
- 查询对应的物理硬盘
[oracle@OEL ~]$ /etc/init.d/oracleasm querydisk -d disk1 Disk "DISK1" is a valid ASM disk on device [8,17]
[oracle@OEL ~]$ ls -l /dev/ |grep 8|grep 17 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 17 Oct 16 14:01 sdb1
- [root@lgto_test ~]# ls -lst /dev/sd*
- 0 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 0 Dec 11 19:29 /dev/sda
- 0 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 2 Dec 11 19:29 /dev/sda2
- 0 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 16 Dec 11 19:29 /dev/sdb
- 0 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 17 Dec 11 19:29 /dev/sdb1 <<<<<<<This is the missed diskgroup
- 0 brw-r----- 1 root disk 8, 1 Dec 11 11:29 /dev/sda1
- #od -c /dev/sdb1
- ……
- 0000040 O R C L D I S K D A T A D G 0 1
- ……
- 7760040 O R C L D I S K D A T A D G 0 1
- 0000040 O R C L D I S K \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0 \0
- Use the "oracleasm renamedisk" utility to add an asmlib label to the disk:
- /etc/init.d/oracleasm renamedisk /dev/<device> <asmlib_label>
- If it fails, use the "-f" switch:
- /etc/init.d/oracleasm renamedisk -f /dev/<device> <asmlib_label>
- [root@lgto_test ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm restart
- Dropping Oracle ASMLib disks:
- [ OK ]
- Shutting down the Oracle ASMLib driver: [FAILED]
- [root@lgto_test ~]# df -ha
- Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- ……
- oracleasmfs 0 0 0 - /dev/oracleasm
- [root@lgto_test ~]# oracleasm querydisk /dev/sdb1
- Device "/dev/sdb1" is marked an ASM disk with the label "DATADG01"
- [root@lgto_test ~]# /sbin/service oracleasm scandisks
- Scanning the system for Oracle ASMLib disks:
- [ OK ]
- [root@lgto_test ~]# /etc/init.d/oracleasm listdisks
- ----Non output---
- [grid@lgto_test ~]$ rpm -qa|grep oracleasm
- oracleasmlib-2.0.4-1.el5
- oracleasm-support-2.1.7-1.el5
- oracleasm-2.6.18-308.el5-2.0.5-1.el5
- [root@lgto_test ~]# /oracle/ora11g/product/app/grid/bin/kfed read /dev/sdb1
- kfbh.endian: 1 ; 0x000: 0x01
- kfbh.hard: 130 ; 0x001: 0x82
- kfbh.type: 1 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_DISKHEAD
- kfbh.datfmt: 1 ; 0x003: 0x01
- kfbh.block.blk: 0 ; 0x004: T=0 NUMB=0x0
- kfbh.block.obj: 2147483648 ; 0x008: TYPE=0x8 NUMB=0x0
- kfbh.check: 3351358462 ; 0x00c: 0xc7c1abfe
- kfbh.fcn.base: 0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000
- kfbh.fcn.wrap: 0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
- kfbh.spare1: 0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
- kfbh.spare2: 0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.driver.provstr: ORCLDISKDATADG01 ; 0x000: length=16
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[0]: 1096040772 ; 0x008: 0x41544144
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[1]: 825247556 ; 0x00c: 0x31304744
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[2]: 0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[3]: 0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[4]: 0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.driver.reserved[5]: 0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.compat: 186646528 ; 0x020: 0x0b200000
- kfdhdb.dsknum: 0 ; 0x024: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.grptyp: 1 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_EXTERNAL
- kfdhdb.hdrsts: 3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
- kfdhdb.dskname: DATADG01 ; 0x028: length=8
- kfdhdb.grpname: DATA ; 0x048: length=4
- kfdhdb.fgname: DATADG01 ; 0x068: length=8
- kfdhdb.capname: ; 0x088: length=0
- kfdhdb.crestmp.hi: 32977140 ; 0x0a8: HOUR=0x14 DAYS=0x7 MNTH=0xc YEAR=0x7dc
- kfdhdb.crestmp.lo: 1642529792 ; 0x0ac: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x1c1 SECS=0x1e MINS=0x18
- kfdhdb.mntstmp.hi: 32977140 ; 0x0b0: HOUR=0x14 DAYS=0x7 MNTH=0xc YEAR=0x7dc
- kfdhdb.mntstmp.lo: 1664549888 ; 0x0b4: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x1c1 SECS=0x33 MINS=0x18
- kfdhdb.secsize: 512 ; 0x0b8: 0x0200
- kfdhdb.blksize: 4096 ; 0x0ba: 0x1000
- kfdhdb.ausize: 1048576 ; 0x0bc: 0x00100000
- kfdhdb.mfact: 113792 ; 0x0c0: 0x0001bc80
- kfdhdb.dsksize: 204797 ; 0x0c4: 0x00031ffd
- kfdhdb.pmcnt: 3 ; 0x0c8: 0x00000003
- kfdhdb.fstlocn: 1 ; 0x0cc: 0x00000001
- kfdhdb.altlocn: 2 ; 0x0d0: 0x00000002
- kfdhdb.f1b1locn: 2 ; 0x0d4: 0x00000002
- kfdhdb.redomirrors[0]: 0 ; 0x0d8: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.redomirrors[1]: 0 ; 0x0da: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.redomirrors[2]: 0 ; 0x0dc: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.redomirrors[3]: 0 ; 0x0de: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.dbcompat: 168820736 ; 0x0e0: 0x0a100000
- kfdhdb.grpstmp.hi: 32977140 ; 0x0e4: HOUR=0x14 DAYS=0x7 MNTH=0xc YEAR=0x7dc
- kfdhdb.grpstmp.lo: 1642390528 ; 0x0e8: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x139 SECS=0x1e MINS=0x18
- kfdhdb.vfstart: 0 ; 0x0ec: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.vfend: 0 ; 0x0f0: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.spfile: 58 ; 0x0f4: 0x0000003a
- kfdhdb.spfflg: 1 ; 0x0f8: 0x00000001
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[0]: 0 ; 0x0fc: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[1]: 0 ; 0x100: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[2]: 0 ; 0x104: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[3]: 0 ; 0x108: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[4]: 0 ; 0x10c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[5]: 0 ; 0x110: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[6]: 0 ; 0x114: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[7]: 0 ; 0x118: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[8]: 0 ; 0x11c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[9]: 0 ; 0x120: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[10]: 0 ; 0x124: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[11]: 0 ; 0x128: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[12]: 0 ; 0x12c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[13]: 0 ; 0x130: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[14]: 0 ; 0x134: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[15]: 0 ; 0x138: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[16]: 0 ; 0x13c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[17]: 0 ; 0x140: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[18]: 0 ; 0x144: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[19]: 0 ; 0x148: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[20]: 0 ; 0x14c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[21]: 0 ; 0x150: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[22]: 0 ; 0x154: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[23]: 0 ; 0x158: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[24]: 0 ; 0x15c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[25]: 0 ; 0x160: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[26]: 0 ; 0x164: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[27]: 0 ; 0x168: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[28]: 0 ; 0x16c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[29]: 0 ; 0x170: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[30]: 0 ; 0x174: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[31]: 0 ; 0x178: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[32]: 0 ; 0x17c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[33]: 0 ; 0x180: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[34]: 0 ; 0x184: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[35]: 0 ; 0x188: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[36]: 0 ; 0x18c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[37]: 0 ; 0x190: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[38]: 0 ; 0x194: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[39]: 0 ; 0x198: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[40]: 0 ; 0x19c: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[41]: 0 ; 0x1a0: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[42]: 0 ; 0x1a4: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[43]: 0 ; 0x1a8: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[44]: 0 ; 0x1ac: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[45]: 0 ; 0x1b0: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[46]: 0 ; 0x1b4: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[47]: 0 ; 0x1b8: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[48]: 0 ; 0x1bc: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[49]: 0 ; 0x1c0: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[50]: 0 ; 0x1c4: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[51]: 0 ; 0x1c8: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[52]: 0 ; 0x1cc: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.ub4spare[53]: 0 ; 0x1d0: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.acdb.aba.seq: 0 ; 0x1d4: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.acdb.aba.blk: 0 ; 0x1d8: 0x00000000
- kfdhdb.acdb.ents: 0 ; 0x1dc: 0x0000
- kfdhdb.acdb.ub2spare: 0 ; 0x1de: 0x0000
- [grid@lgto_test disks]$ more /etc/sysconfig/oracleasm
- # ORACLEASM_ENABELED: 'true' means to load the driver on boot.
- # ORACLEASM_UID: Default user owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
- # ORACLEASM_GID: Default group owning the /dev/oracleasm mount point.
- ORACLEASM_GID=asmadmin
- # ORACLEASM_SCANBOOT: 'true' means scan for ASM disks on boot.
- # ORACLEASM_SCANORDER: Matching patterns to order disk scanning
- ORACLEASM_SCANORDER="mapper mpath"
- # ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE: Matching patterns to exclude disks from scan
- ORACLEASM_SCANEXCLUDE="sdb" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- # /etc/init.d/oracleasm restart
- # /sbin/service oracleasm scandisks