
简介: WIKI NOS:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_operating_systemExamples:JUNOS, used in routers and switches from Juniper NetworksCisco Interne...

WIKI NOS:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_operating_system


1、picOS //trident, cavium, 

支持白盒交换机列表:http: //www.pica8.com/products/hardware-compatibility-list


  • A Layer-2 protocol stack featuring MLAG
  • Full Layer-3 protocol support including OSPF, BGP and multicast
  • Support for OpenFlow, OVSDB, and key SDN protocols
  • Integration with market-leading SDN controllers including HP VAN, ONOS, OpenDaylight, and Ryu
  • Simple device provisioning and management via ZTP, CLI, DevOps automation tools, and a standard Linux shell



2、SnapRoute  //??

Founded by engineers who created and reliably operated some of the largest data center networks on the planet by adopting open networking principles, SnapRoute is dedicated to bringing simplicity, reliability, and white-box economics to data center networks everywhere. SnapRoute’s FlexSwitch software runs on industry standard white-box switches, providing all management and networking functionality through an innovative architecture that simplifies the networking stack and dramatically reduces the code bloat typical of incumbent products. SnapRoute makes it easy to automate network provisioning while giving unprecedented visibility into how the network is running.  SnapRoute is backed by Norwest Venture Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, AT&T, and Microsoft.  



3、FBOSS(facebook) //barefoot


FBOSS is Facebook's software stack for controlling and managing network switches.



4、SONiC(azure) //trident, barefoot, caviun, centec

github: https://github.com/Azure/SONiC

SONiC is an open source project for network routers and switches.


Switch Vendor Switch SKU ASIC Vendor Swich ASIC Port Configuration SONiC Image
Arista 7050QX-32 Broadcom Trident2 32x40G SONiC-Aboot-Broadcom2
Arista 7050QX-32S Broadcom Trident2 32x40G SONiC-Aboot-Broadcom
Arista 7060CX-32S Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-Aboot-Broadcom
Barefoot Wedge 100BF-65X Barefoot Tofino-T10-064Q 65x100G  
Barefoot Wedge 100BF-32X Barefoot Tofino-T10-032D 32x100G  
Barefoot SONiC-P4 Barefoot P4 Emulated Configurable SONiC-P4
Centec E582-48x6q Centec Goldengate 6x40G + 48x10G SONiC-ONIE-Centec
Dell S6000-ON3 Broadcom Trident2 32x40G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Dell S6100-ON3 Broadcom Tomahawk 64x40G 1 SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Dell Z9100-ON3 Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Delta AG9032V1 Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Edgecore AS5712-54X Broadcom Trident2 72x10G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Edgecore AS7512-32X Cavium XPliant CNX880** 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Cavium
Edgecore AS7712-32X Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Embedway ES6428A-X48Q2H4 Centec Goldengate 4x100G + 2x40G + 48x10G SONiC-ONIE-Centec
Facebook Wedge 100-32X Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Ingrasys S9100-32X Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Ingrasys S8900-54XC Broadcom Tomahawk 48x25G+6x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Ingrasys S8900-64XC Broadcom Tomahawk 48x25G+16x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Ingrasys S8810-32Q Broadcom Trident2 32x40G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Inventec D7032-32X5 Broadcom Tomahawk 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Inventec D70545 Broadcom Tomahawk 48x25G-6x100G SONiC-ONIE-Broadcom
Marvell RD-BC3-4825G6CG-A4 Marvell Prestera 98CX84xx 6x100G+48x25G SONiC-ONIE-Marvell
Marvell RD-ARM-48XG6CG-A4 Marvell Prestera 98EX54xx 6x100G+48x10G SONiC-ONIE-Marvell
Mellanox SN2700 Mellanox Spectrum 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Mellanox
Mellanox SN2740 Mellanox Spectrum 32x100G SONiC-ONIE-Mellanox
Mellanox SN2410 Mellanox Spectrum 40x25G+8x100G SONiC-ONIE-Mellanox
Mellanox SN2100 Mellanox Spectrum 16x100G SONiC-ONIE-Mellanox



 5、Switch Light(bigswitch) //

Switch Light™ is a Linux-based, thin switching software solution, providing consistent data plane programming abstractions across merchant silicon-based physical switches (white-box or brite-box) and hypervisor vSwitches.

Switch Light is a key enabling technology for Big Switch Networks’ centralized SDN applications, and comes in two flavors:

  • Switch Light OS: a complete SDN operating system based on Open Network Linux (ONL), an open source effort within the Open Compute Project.
  • Switch Light VX: a user space software agent for KVM-based virtual switches that adds advanced functionality and improved performance on top of the Open vSwitch kernel.


6、Cumulus linux //trident, Mellanox Spectrum, 

The world’s most flexible open network operating system for bare metal switches。



7,Pluribus //todo

Netvisor OS fully supports OCP/ONIE switches, has best-in-class layer 2 and layer 3 networking, distributed fabric intelligence and virtualizes the switch hardware



ONOS is a new SDN network operating system designed for high availability, performance, scale-out.

github: https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/onos


>> ONL(open network linux)


Open Network Linux is a Linux distribution for "bare metal" switches, that is, network forwarding devices built from commodity components. ONL uses ONIE to install onto on-board flash memory. Open Network Linux is a part of the Open Compute Project and is a component in a growing collection of open source and commercial projects.


测试技术 芯片
  如上图所示,AT&T将白盒生态系统分为4层。硬件1层(Hardware 1 Layer):底层是商用芯片,在3月份的ONS大会上,AT&T高管宣布已经进行的开源白盒试验,通过使用博通和Barefoot的商用芯片进行试验。
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测试技术 芯片
网络性能优化 网络虚拟化 网络架构
接口限速简介 接口限速对通过整个端口的全部报文流量速率进行限制,不对具体流量进行区分,可以实现给某个接口分配固定的带宽,控制方式单一,配置简单。 入方向与出方向的接口限速属于并列关系,用户可以根据需要同时配置,也可以单独配置。
网络协议 安全 网络虚拟化
【11月更文挑战第8天】本文总结了思科交换机的常见配置命令,包括模式转换、基本配置、查看命令、VLAN 配置、Trunk 配置、以太网通道配置、VTP 配置、三层交换机配置、生成树配置以及其他常用命令,适用于网络管理和维护。
安全 网络安全 数据安全/隐私保护
网络安全 数据安全/隐私保护 网络虚拟化
配置案例 | CE交换机如何配置堆叠?
配置案例 | CE交换机如何配置堆叠?
前端开发 数据中心