2. 配置扩展柜
注意:扩展柜安装可以在系统重灌之前或者之后进行;但是建议在重灌之前安装。初始化过程将自动创建dedup disk pool;如果初始化完成之后再添加扩展柜,需要手动创建dedup disk pool。
2.1.1 硬件连接
2.1.2 添加扩展柜
注意:如果采用SecureCRT连接工具,可能要修改Authentication认证方式为Keyboard Interactive,否则系统将拒绝您登录;如下
2、转到manage->storage菜单,输入show,列出当前的存储信息,如下可以看出Uni_2是扩展柜,状态为New Available;
nb-appliance.Storage> show
Device | Total | Unallocated | Status
Appliance Operating System | 930.38 GB | - | In Use
Base Unit Storage (unit_1) | 4.5429 TB | 4.5419 TB | In Use
Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2) | 35.470 TB | - | New Available
NOTE: The name that appears in () (ex: unit_1) is the device name. Use the appropriate device name while issuing the commands to manipulate the storage.
Partition | Total | Available | Used | %Used
AdvancedDisk | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0%
Deduplication | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0%
Unallocated | 4.5419 TB | - | - | -
nb-appliance.Storage> Add
- [Info] Following expansion units can be added:
- [Info] unit_2
nb-appliance.Storage> Add unit_2
- [Info] Checking the type of the 'unit_2' device...
- [Info] Checking the state of the 'unit_2' expansion unit device storage...
- [Info] Initializing 'unit_2' expansion storage...
- [Info] Configuring 'unit_2' expansion unit storage...
- [Info] Adding 'unit_2' expansion unit storage space to 'Unallocated' space...
- [Info] Succeeded.
nb-appliance.Storage> show
Device | Total | Unallocated | Status
Appliance Operating System | 930.38 GB | - | In Use
Base Unit Storage (unit_1) | 4.5429 TB | 4.5419 TB | In Use
Expansion Unit Storage (unit_2) | 35.470 TB | 35.470 TB | In Use
NOTE: The name that appears in () (ex: unit_1) is the device name. Use the appropriate device name while issuing the commands to manipulate the storage.
Partition | Total | Available | Used | %Used
AdvancedDisk | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0%
Deduplication | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0 GB | 0%
Unallocated | 40.012 TB | - | - | -
本文转自zsaisai 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/3402313/1192746