如果你一直想知道这是如何实现的,那么这里的25个非常棒的 jQuery 图片滑块制作教程将帮助您实现这种效果。
1.Create a Slick and Accessible Slideshow Using jQuery
2. Create an Image Rotator with Description (CSS/jQuery)
3.A Beautiful Apple-style Slideshow Gallery With CSS & jQuery
4.Fancy Thumbnail Hover Effect w/ jQuery
5.Simple JQuery Image Slide Show with Semi-Transparent Caption
6.Slider Gallery
7.Building a jQuery Image Scroller
8.Sliding Boxes and Captions with jQuery
9.Animate Panning Slideshow with jQuery
10.Create Beautiful jQuery Slider Tutorial
11.Create a Fancy Image Gallery with JQuery
12.jQuery Infinite Carousel
13.Coda Slider Effect
14.Create Featured Content Slider Using jQuery UI
15.Making a Content Slider with jQuery UI
16.Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider
17.Start/Stop Slider
by:Hieu PHAM