OpenStack cloudCompute glassary术语project,tenant,user

简介: 1,tenantA group of users, used to isolate access to Compute resources(一组用户,用于隔离访问计算资源). An alternative term for a project(替代属于叫项目).

A group of users, used to isolate access to Compute resources(一组用户,用于隔离访问计算资源). An alternative term for a project(替代属于叫项目).

In Identity Service, each user is associated with one or more tenants(每个用户与一个或多个租户想关联集成), and in Compute can be
associated with roles, projects(alternative Tenant), or both.

generic trem(通常用术语)

3,Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
Open source GUI and CLI tools used for remote console access to VMs

byRuiy Tips : 

      Projects are organizational units in the cloud,and are also known(众所周知) as tenants or accounts(租户或账户概念范畴).Each user is a member of one or more projects;

you enabled view and manage resources in a selected project,including instance and images;

4,Projects, also known as tenants or accounts,
are organizational units in the cloud to which you can assign users(指定用户). Users also have roles
that determine (角色决定...)their level of access to the project, and may have different roles in different

5,在OpenStack cloud computing Platform Env

Consequences of disabling projects(停用一个Tenant_即Project影响):


6,A role is a personality that a user assumes to perform a specific set of operations. A role includes
a set of rights and privileges. A user assuming that role inherits those rights and privileges.


  are the Block Storage devices that you attach to instances to enable persistent


prevent system capacities from being exhausted without notification, you can set up
quotas. Quotas are operational limits.


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SAP RBAM (Role-Based Authorization Management) 概念解析
SAP RBAM (Role-Based Authorization Management) 概念解析
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Jenkins常用插件介绍之权限控制插件Role-based Authorization Strategy
除了搭建jenkins时默认安装的插件之外,有时候扩展功能,还需要安装一些其他的插件,下面为大家简单介绍一下Role-based Authorization Strategy插件。
Jenkins常用插件介绍之权限控制插件Role-based Authorization Strategy
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『Jenkins』Jenkins实现权限控制——Role-based Authorization Strategy
📣读完这篇文章里你能收获到 - 本文将以图文的形式带你一步一步配置Jenkins角色权限 - 你将了解到角色权限的概念及账号的管理
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『Jenkins』Jenkins实现权限控制——Role-based Authorization Strategy
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关系型数据库 API 数据库
SQL 关系型数据库 数据库
openstack 管理三十五 - 利用 SQL 获取 tenant 当前资源情况
作用 因为 openstack 命令行下, 没有办法直接获取资源使用情况 通过 sql 语句获得 tenant(project) 当前的资源使用情况 常见资源分别有 core, memory, disk, volume 这几种 sql 计算 cpu 与内存使用方法 查询当前 tenants 方法 mysql> select name from key
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