- var selectedIndex = $houseBuilding.get(0).selectedIndex;
- var selectedOption = $houseBuilding.get(0).options[selectedIndex];
- var selectHouse = selectedOption.label;
- if (!selectHouse) {
- selectHouse = selectedOption.text;
- }
- /**
- * select component
- */
- com.whuang.hsj.getSelectedOptionLabel = function(selectObj) {
- if (typeof selectObj == 'string') {
- selectObj = com.whuang.hsj.$$one(selectObj);
- if(selectObj==null ||selectObj==undefined){
- selectObj=com.whuang.hsj.$$id(selectObj);
- }
- }
- var selectedIndex = selectObj.selectedIndex;
- if (selectedIndex >= 0) {// omit the first option
- var selectOption = selectObj.options[selectedIndex];
- /*if ("textContent" in selectOption) {// textContent is specific to
- // Internet explorer and firefox has
- // no this attribute
- return selectOption.textContent;
- } else {
- return selectOption.label;
- }*/
- return selectOption.textContent || selectOption.label || selectedOption.text;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- };
- if (data.result == 1) {
- toast_hwShortCenter("投票成功");
- } else if (data.result == 2) {
- toast_hwShortCenter("您还没有登录");
- window.user = null;
- window.sessionId = null;
- } else if (data.result == 3) {
- toast_hwShortCenter("您已经投票过");
- alert('目前 "' + com.whuang.hsj.getSelectedOptionLabel($houseBuilding.get(0)) + '" 总投票数为:' + data.voteCount);
- } else {
- toast_hwShortCenter('未知错误');
- }