An email from South Africa


This morning I recieved an email from South Africa,the content of the email is as below:


I have a business deal for you, please kindly view the attached letter and see if you are capable in working with me, then get back to me for more details.

Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Dr. J****s M****a.


And the attached letter is an office document file,the body is as below:

 From Dr. J***s M****a 
Private Email:

I am Dr. J***s M****a, a Botswana Citizen and an appointed executive member of Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP), South Africa. ICEP is charged with the responsibility of finding bank accounts in South Africa belonging to Non-South African citizens, which have remained dormant since South African apartheid was resolved in 1994. It may interest you to know that in July of 2003, the South African Reserve Bank published a list of dormant accounts originally opened by non- South African citizens. 
The Claims Resolution Tribunal has put funds in Escrow awaiting submission of valid claims for necessary disbursement to all successful claimants around the globe. I find myself privileged to have this information and this may be a great opportunity for a lifetime success without risks. I have got everything worked out and the amount I want to move out is $34.7M and this fund has been secured for immediate movement to anyone who is willing and capable to work with me before my appointment/contract here expires in this office/country.

So if you find yourself capable in working with me in this huge business deal, don't hesitate to get back to me as soon as immediate, so to enable me give you low down on the step to take, but if you do not find yourself capable to clout this deal with me, please feel free to delete from your inbox and pretend I never contacted you.  
Best Regards,
Dr. J***s M****a 
Executive Member (ICEP)


If you have interesting please try to translate it into Chinese,just have a try.

本文转自周金桥51CTO博客,原文链接: ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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