【DB2问题解决】SQL1042C SQL1032N SQLSTATE=57019

It can be due to incorrect ownership or permissions on db2sysc executable. 
Check the file permission in <instance_home>/sqllib/adm - It should be "-r-sr-s---" and owned by root:db2grp1 (in your case) 
Log in as root and update the instance (db2iupdt). 
Check the permission of db2sysc executable in <instance_home>/sqllib/adm directory - it should be "-r-sr-s---". 
If its different, 
- login as root 
- change directory to /usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance 
- Update the instance - ./db2iupdt db2inst1 
Before the instance update ensure all DB2 interprocess communications are cleared for the instance to be updated. As the instance owner, run: <instance_home>/sqllib/bin/ipclean.

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