Set default value for column[转]

2    CREATE   TABLE  T (
3       int1  int ,
4       bit1  bit   NOT   NULL   DEFAULT   0 ,
5       rvr1  timestamp ,
6       usr1  nvarchar ( 28 DEFAULT   USER ,
7       createtime  datetime   DEFAULT   CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
8   )
9    GO

2    INSERT  T (int1)  VALUES  ( 1 WAITFOR  DELAY  ' 00:00:01 '
3    GO
4    INSERT  T (int1, bit1)  VALUES  ( 2 0 WAITFOR  DELAY  ' 00:00:01 '
5    GO
6    INSERT  T (int1, bit1)  VALUES  ( 3 1 )
7    GO


(1 rows affected)

1    SELECT  int1, bit1, usr1,
2        CONVERT ( int , rvr1)  ' Timestamp as int ' ,
3       createtime
4    FROM  T
5    GO

int1        bit1 usr1                         Timestamp as int createtime
----------- ---- ---------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
          1    0 dbo                                      5007 2006-10-14 10:53:20.827
          2    0 dbo                                      5008 2006-10-14 10:53:21.827
          3    1 dbo                                      5009 2006-10-14 10:53:22.827

(3 rows affected)


2    UPDATE  T
3    set  bit1  =   1
4    WHERE  int1  =   2
5    GO

(1 rows affected)

1    SELECT  int1, bit1, usr1,
2        CONVERT ( int , rvr1)  ' Timestamp as int ' ,
3       createtime
4    FROM  T
5    GO

int1        bit1 usr1                         Timestamp as int createtime
----------- ---- ---------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
          1    0 dbo                                      5007 2006-10-14 10:53:20.827
          2    1 dbo                                      5010 2006-10-14 10:53:21.827
          3    1 dbo                                      5009 2006-10-14 10:53:22.827

(3 rows affected)


2    drop   table  t
3    GO

from: 这里

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