MVC标签链接切换帮助类: TabLink


写Tab时为了保证慢加载下tab输出不乱必须在服务端写,然后就是出现了很多难看的if else,今天花了点时间写了个帮助类,跟ActionLink的使用一样。


     <li>@Html.TabLink( "新闻" , "s" , new  { t = "n"  }, new  { onclick = "return  channelSwitch('n');"  }, "tab_selected" )</li>
     <li>@Html.TabLink( "全部" , "s" , new  { t = ""  }, new  { onclick = "return  channelSwitch(0);"  }, "tab_selected" )</li>
     <li>@Html.TabLink( "博客" , "s" , new  { t = "b"  }, new  { onclick = "return  channelSwitch('b');"  }, "tab_selected" )</li>
     <li>@Html.TabLink( "知识库" , "s" , new  { t = "k"  }, new  { onclick = "return  channelSwitch('k');"  }, "tab_selected" )</li>
     <li>@Html.TabLink( "博问" , "s" , new  { t = "q"  }, new  { onclick = "return  channelSwitch('q');"  }, "tab_selected" )</li>


#region TabLinks
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, string  controllerName = null , string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, controllerName, new  RouteValueDictionary(), new  RouteValueDictionary(), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, object  routeValues, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, null  /* controllerName */ , new  RouteValueDictionary(routeValues), new  RouteValueDictionary(), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, object  routeValues, object  htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, null  /* controllerName */ , new  RouteValueDictionary(routeValues), HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, null  /* controllerName */ , routeValues, new  RouteValueDictionary(), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, IDictionary< string , object > htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, null  /* controllerName */ , routeValues, htmlAttributes, currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, string  controllerName, object  routeValues, object  htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, controllerName, new  RouteValueDictionary(routeValues), HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, string  controllerName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, IDictionary< string , object > htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     if  (String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkText))
         throw  new  ArgumentException( "Value cannot be null or empty." , "linkText" );
     if  (IsCurrent(htmlHelper, actionName, controllerName, routeValues))
         htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes ?? new  Dictionary< string , object >();
         string  classValue = currentClass;
         if  (htmlAttributes.ContainsKey( "class" ))
             classValue = htmlAttributes[ "class" ] + classValue;
         htmlAttributes[ "class" ] = classValue;
     return  MvcHtmlString.Create(HtmlHelper.GenerateLink(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext, htmlHelper.RouteCollection, linkText, null  /* routeName */ , actionName, controllerName, routeValues, htmlAttributes));
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, string  controllerName, string  protocol, string  hostName, string  fragment, object  routeValues, object  htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     return  TabLink(htmlHelper, linkText, actionName, controllerName, protocol, hostName, fragment, new  RouteValueDictionary(routeValues), HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes), currentClass);
public  static  MvcHtmlString TabLink( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  linkText, string  actionName, string  controllerName, string  protocol, string  hostName, string  fragment, RouteValueDictionary routeValues, IDictionary< string , object > htmlAttributes, string  currentClass = "current" )
     if  (String.IsNullOrEmpty(linkText))
         throw  new  ArgumentException( "Value cannot be null or empty." , "linkText" );
     if  (IsCurrent(htmlHelper, actionName, controllerName, routeValues))
         htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes ?? new  Dictionary< string , object >();
         string  classValue = currentClass;
         if  (htmlAttributes.ContainsKey( "class" ))
             classValue = htmlAttributes[ "class" ] + classValue;
         htmlAttributes[ "class" ] = classValue;
     return  MvcHtmlString.Create(HtmlHelper.GenerateLink(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext, htmlHelper.RouteCollection, linkText, null  /* routeName */ , actionName, controllerName, protocol, hostName, fragment, routeValues, htmlAttributes));
private  static  bool  IsCurrent( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  actionName, string  controllerName, RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
     var  isCurrent = htmlHelper.RouteValue( "action" ).ToLower() == actionName.ToLower();
     if  (! string .IsNullOrEmpty(controllerName))
     { isCurrent &= htmlHelper.RouteValue( "controller" ).ToLower() == controllerName.ToLower(); }
     if  (routeValues == null )
         return  isCurrent;
     var  rvEnum = routeValues.GetEnumerator();
     while  (isCurrent && rvEnum.MoveNext())
         isCurrent = rvEnum.Current.Value.ToString().ToLower() == htmlHelper.RouteValue(rvEnum.Current.Key).ToLower();
     return  isCurrent;
private  static  string  RouteValue( this  HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string  key)
     var  v = htmlHelper.ViewContext.Controller.ValueProvider.GetValue(key);
     if (v== null )
         return  string .Empty;
     return   v.ConvertTo( typeof  ( string )) as  string ;



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