ios7 - Custom UItabbar has a gap in the bottom


Im trying to create a custom UITabbar using images for the selected and unselected states.

this is my code:

if([UIImage instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(imageWithRenderingMode:)]){

    tab_01_on_image =[[UIImage imageNamed:@"Tabbar_on_01"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    tab_01_off_image =[[UIImage imageNamed:@"Tabbar_off_01"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];}else{
    tab_01_on_image =[UIImage imageNamed:@"Tabbar_on_01"];
    tab_01_off_image =[UIImage imageNamed:N@"Tabbar_off_01"];}[[[self.tabBarController.tabBar items] objectAtIndex:index] setFinishedSelectedImage:tab_01_on_image withFinishedUnselectedImage:tab_01_off_image];

This image shows the problem, the red color is the gap:

enter image description here

EDIT to add the code to create the UITabbar

self.tabBarController =[[BaseTabbarController alloc] init];self.tabBarController.delegate=self;self.tabBarController.viewControllers =@[navControll1, navControll2, navControll3, navControll4, navControll5];self.window.rootViewController =self.tabBarController;

I appreciate any help you guys can offer

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how high Tabbar_on_01? –   Ilario  Nov 15 at 12:37
the @2x image is 128x100px I also tried with 128x98px and got the same problem. –   FelipeOliveira  Nov 15 at 12:47 
Is your view designed with Interface Builder, or do you create it programmatically? –   zbMax  Nov 15 at 13:27
programmatically zbMax –   FelipeOliveira  Nov 15 at 13:39
Can you edit your question and add the code creating the tabbar please? By the way, follow this guidelines page for your icon dimension :… –   zbMax Nov 15 at 13:53
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1 Answer

I finally found the solution. Changing the imageInsets of each tabbarItem did the trick.

tabBarItem1.imageInsets =UIEdgeInsetsMake(6,0,-6,0);
tabBarItem2.imageInsets =UIEdgeInsetsMake(6,0,-6,0);
tabBarItem3.imageInsets =UIEdgeInsetsMake(6,0,-6,0);
tabBarItem4.imageInsets =UIEdgeInsetsMake(6,0,-6,0);
tabBarItem5.imageInsets =UIEdgeInsetsMake(6,0,-6,0);
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