

<!-- 生成验证码 -->
     <action name="rand" class="mainAction" method="rand">
         <result type="stream">     //默认返回为name=SUCCESS
                <param name="contentType">image/jpeg</param>
                <param name="inputName">inputStream</param>      


<action name="addRight" class="rightAction" method="addRight">   //一个action实现类有多个action
   <result type="redirectAction">     //默认返回为name=SUCCESS,跳转的action在同一个类中
      <param name="actionName">viewRight</param>   //跳转到另一个ACTION.
      <param name="rightid">${rightid}</param>    //参数传给了ACTION(rightAction)类的全局变量rightid
   <result name="input">/roleright/addRight.jsp</result>   //jsp的第一个斜杠表示WebRoot目录


<action name="configUpload" class="mainAction" method="configUpload">
      <result type="redirectAction">toConfig</result>




安全 内存技术
读书笔记系列 - Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces - Intro
读书笔记系列 - Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces - Intro
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