improper Advertising identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the Advertising Identifier [IDFA] AP

找到答案了。随便传个包上去。然后拒绝掉,又一次prepare to upload。就会出现选项。




Android开发 开发工具 IDE
Android gradle问题解决: This app has been built with an incorrect configuration. Please configure your build for VectorDrawableCompat
1. 问题描述: Android Studio在运行模拟器某些机型或者真机某些机型的时候发生闪退。 错误如下: Java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.
2385 0
移动开发 网络协议 Linux
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone and iPad running iOS 14.1
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone and iPad running iOS 14.1
76 0
Java 数据库连接 Spring
【SpringBoot】Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re--run your app
【SpringBoot】Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re--run your app
292 0
存储 API Go
苹果审核新要求Offering account deletion in your app
苹果审核新要求Offering account deletion in your app
234 0
IDE 开发工具 Android开发
Flutter打包apk报错:Your app isn't using AndroidX.
Flutter打包apk报错:Your app isn't using AndroidX.
341 0
Flutter打包apk报错:Your app isn't using AndroidX.
Create Your Own IM Social App with MQTT
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an instant communication protocol based on the publish-subscribe pattern.
2797 0
JavaScript 前端开发 开发工具
This App does not have access to your photos or videos in iOS 9
1039 0