ABAP Self Test Q & A

简介: 1) Authorization Objects  ( this question has more than 1 answer )  a) Stored in User Master  b) Defines fields for a complex authority check  c) Gr.

1) Authorization Objects 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) Stored in User Master 
b) Defines fields for a complex authority check 
c) Grouped together in profiles 
d) Covers up to 10 fields 
e) Consists of up to 10 authorization objects

2) Authorization Checking 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) performed with SELECT statement  
b) performed with AUTHORITY-CHECK 
c) determines if user has authority in master record 
d) always refers to authorization profile 
e) system admin defines which authorization checks are executed

3) Authorization 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) contains value for field of an authorization object 
b) defines fields for a complex authorization object 
c) can be grouped together in profiles 
d) always refer to a particular authorization 
e) authorizations and profiles are stored in user master record

4) Using SM35 – in which case does the system check authorization: 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) always 
b) process / foreground  
c) display errors only 
d) process / background 
e) system decides based on profile

5) Search Helps: 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) called at POV 
b) controls how fixed values are displayed when F4 is pressed 
c) allow different views of info when help is required 
d) object stored in data dictionary 
e) field names starting with H_

6) Append Structures 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) append to table without modifying table itself 
b) can be assigned to several tables 
c) same as substructure 
d) use like any other structure 
e) you must convert table once append is added

7) Check table 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) value table assigned to a domain 
b) internal table whose contents are used to check input values 
c) table assigned to 1 or more fields if a FK (foreign key) table for checking input values 
d) table for which a FK is defined 
e) table to which a FK refers  
8) Modify SAP objects: 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) R/3 prevents modifications be user id DDIC and SAP* 
b) Objects can be changed with registration 
c) Register objects in OSS 
d) Carry out modification without registration 
e) Adjust modified object in upgrade

9) Activities required at upgrade when applying hot pack: 
( this question has more than 1 answer ) 
a) adjust modified object 
b) everything is automatic 
c) release correction before update 
d) abap dictionary tables, data elements and domains are adjusted during upgrade 
e) abap dictionary objects not handled seperately

What will internal table be?  
a) LAND1 
b) LFA1 

11) In program A function module F is called from function group G for the first time. Which one is correct: 
a) coding of entire function group G is loaded in the roll area 
b) global data from A can be accessed in F 
c) A and F have common work areas for dictionary table 
d) Function module F is called in a separate internal session 
e) Function module F can not call any sessions

12) from transaction A you call transaction B with LEAVE TO TRANSACTION B: 
a) internal system session opened for B 
b) LEAVE can be used to return from B to A 
c) Data from A can be accessed in B 
d) A can pass data to B with export 
e) A can pass data using SET

13) What is a SAP LUW:  
a) a modularised unit in ABAP programs 
b) all the updates for 1 SAP transaction 
c) a logical grouping of database updates that should all be performed at the same time 
d) the section of program code from setting a lock until it is released 
e) all actions between first and last database update in transaction

14) Why do update functions have attributes of  either START NOW (v1) or START DELAYED(V2): 
a) define whether update task triggered immediately 
b) combine synchronous and asynchronous updates 
c) assign different priorities 
d) take different speed of servers into account 
e) enable reaction to termination n V1

15) Relationship between SAP transactions and database transactions: 
a) each SAP corresponds to one database 
b) update requests of one SAP transaction are distributed amongst several database transactions 
c) one database group change request of several SAP 
d) database transaction is an internal system representation of SAP transactions    

  1) b, c, d 
  2) b, d 
  3) a, c 
  4) b, c, d 
  5) a, c, d 
  6) a, d 
  7) a, c, e 
  8) b, c, e 
  9) a, c, d 
10) c 
11) a 
12) a, d, e 
13) c 
14) c 
15) b                        *-- Peters


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