What is "construction"?
Hava u ever used construction paper to make some things?
What is " software construction"?
- problem definition
- requirements development
- construction planning
- software architecture or higt-level design
- detailed design
- coding and debugging
- unit testing
- integration testing
- integration
- system testing
- corrective maintenance
Then, construction is not a coding but a programming.
There are also many other important activities.
- management
- user-windows design
- maintenance
so , "Why is software construction importment?"
- 构建活动是软件开发的主要组成部分。 /constrution activity is an important part of software programming.
- 构建活动是软件开发中的核心活动。/constrution actiity is the central activity of software programming.
- 把主要精力集中于构建活动,可以打打提高程序员的生产率。/puting the most power in constrution actiity can improve the rate of
- programming for programmers.
- 构建活动的产物--源代码--往往是对软件的唯一的精确描述。/source code,the result of constrution activity ,is the only description
- <Key point>构建活动是唯一一项确保完成的工作。/ constrution activity is the only to make the work done.
another key point : 构建活动的质量对软件的质量有着实质性的影响。 /the quality of software is under the quality of constrution acti-vity.
Some happiness:
常年20度的房间里,你可以发现病毒(virus),特洛伊木马(Trojanhorse),蠕虫(worm),臭虫(bug),逻辑炸弹(bomb), 奔溃(crash),论坛口水战(flame),双绞线转换头(twisted sex changer),还有致命错误(fatal error)....(我看到这里笑了..haha)