Solve error: 'class vtkImageActor' has no member named 'SetInput'


Replacement of SetInput() with SetInputData() and SetInputConnection() 

someFilter->SetInput(someReader->GetOutput()); // Outdated
// Replace to the following:

For details, please see here.

本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:Solve error: 'class vtkImageActor' has no member named 'SetInput',如需转载请自行联系原博主。

【已解决】Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function
Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function
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原因: 1.组件名没写对(导入和注册不对应) 2.components少写了个s 3.组件命名最好是驼峰命名 4.导入时语法错误 5.代码中有两个components,后一个的值把前一个覆盖了 6.组件直接循环套用了
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完美解决Unknown Pin 和Failed to add class member
相信很多人在使用DXP和AD的时候,都遇到过Unknown Pin 和Failed to add class member 的问题,我也遇到了,经过实验发现新建个PCB就可以解决这些问题,网上的常见做法也是这样的。但是很多时候新建PCB就要放弃前面已经布局布线了一半的样本,实在是费时又劳神。所以我在想既然是报错,肯定有办法解决,于是就研究了下发现了如下解决办法。希望对大家能有帮助。
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Java Spring Maven
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