follow is from a user's mail:
Case of use:
Case of use:
In some cases original CAD Landscape Pages (Format A0, A1, A2, A3)
needs different settings to get original oriented PDF-outputfiles.
needs different settings to get original oriented PDF-outputfiles.
This problem is solved with your software. :-)
The below requested use would solve many other problems for many users:
Step1: Print CAD-Drawings independent from the drawing-format to a user defined square paperformat (i.e1200x1200mm) bigger in size than the biggest format (A0 = 1149x826mm), without care for any settings.
Step2: batch crop the 1200x1200 Pdf to the inked area.(=>borderless pdf)
Step3: batch rotate the pdf to correct orientation.
the demo PDF document as follow:
orginal PDF
after croped
after croped and rotate 90 degree
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