.NET Reflector 改嫁!


After more than eight years of working on .NET Reflector, I have decided it is time to move on and explore some new opportunities.

I have reached an agreement to have Red Gate Software continue the development of .NET Reflector. Red Gate has a lot of experience creating development tools for both .NET and SQL Server. They have the resources necessary to work on new features, and Reflector fits nicely with other .NET tools the company offers.

Red Gate will continue to provide the free community version and is looking for your feedback and ideas for future versions.

For news and updates on Reflector, sign up for the .NET Developer’s Newsletter from Red Gate. To find out more about the agreement, see the interview onSimple Talk.




刚收到的通知,.NET Reflector已经改嫁给Red Gate Software了,貌似要走商业路线了!


VS2017企业版本(安装包+key)+ .NET Reflector 9.0
关于VS2017安装的一点扩充说明(15.5):http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/8051985.html Key激活无需断网 Visual Studio 2017 EnterpriseNJVYC-BMHX2-G77MM-4XJMR-6Q8QFVisual St...
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Windows 数据格式 XML
我们知道Reflector可以反编译IL代码,根据它可以查看到不同语言的源代码(如C#,VB.Net等),但是Reflector还可以导出成工程文件,得到源代码的工程项目文件。通过这种方式得到的工程文件如果用Visual Studio打开后,虽然大多数的问题是由于缺少引用“程序集”带来的编译不能通过,但是还是一些非与此相关的问题存在,需要对反编译的工程项目进行手动修改和调整。
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Web App开发
.net reflector最新版含注册机
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